Thanks for the replys guys! Ahah! i can just see my wife allowing me a model that size in the house Druban!, As it is this things going to be around 8-10 ft long when it's all tagged together, there is a wall in the spare room just long enough which is where i keep all my models,
I've added the link to my Photobucket pic host so hopefully (if it works) you can see some of the other pics,
the scale of these is 1/25th- !/24th (not a great deal of difference), They are (or started out as) basic plastic model kits, The tractor is a Revell "Australia truck with some alterations, Mainly a longer chassis in order to fit a third drive axel, plus some additional aftermarket parts,
The trailers are Revell heavy gravel 24 wheelers, again slightly altered with home cast resin wheels, the tyres are bought in spare parts packs of 12 tyres a pack, and as you can see i'm still buying them as and when i can,
also i like to fit L.E.D lighting,
As each trailer is finished i will then attempt to "dirty" it up a bit, especially the tyres Lazur, i aggree they look far too shiny as they are,
Blue circle details on the trailers are authentic, (a google search provided their plant locations and head office etc),
The three axel dollys you can see had to be totally scratchbuilt (apart from the tyres), I found on one here that makes kits of these things and only one in Aus (Melbourn Models), But kit cost plus shipping plus VAT when the package hits our shores made me decide to make them myself, there just styrene strip/sheet/ rod/ etc brass wire, home cast resin bits. Susie coils are from PC cable stripped out and wound round brass rod,
Thats about it!!, i'll add a few pics of the Kenworth just in case the link dosen't work so thanks again guys, ... 6010886894