Character Design: Melissa

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Character Design: Melissa

Postby bwansy » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:07 pm

Took quite a few days to finish it.

EDIT: Oops! Why did it end up in "help with using Inkscape"? :oops: :oops: :oops:
Admin or Mods, please move this to "Finished Inkscape Works". Thanks.

Moderator edit: can only edit posts into existing topics, so sorry about the confusion -if any-, now that the original topic's posts from the help section were moved here.

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Re: Character Design: Melissa

Postby Simarilius » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:55 am

Beautiful piece. really nice job, well done!

ps. moved as requested (once i figured out how...)

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Re: Character Design: Melissa

Postby microUgly » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:02 am

Great work. Very nice design. You wouldn't even know that was created with Inkscape.

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Re: Character Design: Melissa

Postby Unborned » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:34 am

Awesome character! I just love her outfit. :D
But you definitely shoud do something about her arms, they're looking kinda odd. Especially the one on the right looks like twisted (?). And there's also something wrong with waist, but I don't know what.
Cheers! :P

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Re: Character Design: Melissa

Postby bwansy » Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:28 pm

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I am still very inexperienced in drawing realistic clothes, hair and shading, so bare with it for now. :oops: While I'm too lazy to improve the line-art itself (which would almost be the same as redoing the whole picture ), I will try tweaking the shadings (i.e. layers upon layers of translucent, blurred and clipped shapes) a little bit.

@ Unborned: Her left (viewer's right side) palm is actually facing the viewer, if that's what you mean by "twisted arm".
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Re: Character Design: Melissa

Postby blaz_boy » Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:13 pm

very good i want to reach that level but i'm so busy now in learning programming :geek: :ugeek: :geek:

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Character Design: Aetheria

Postby bwansy » Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:11 pm

Another character design from me, for my friend's novel.
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Re: Character Design: Aetheria

Postby brynn » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:03 pm

You seem to have quite a flair for character images! I like this one, especially the effect created by the small splashes of bright colors (eyes, necklace) against the otherwise palish colors.

It would be interesting to read a description of the characters that you have to go on. Have you read the whole novel, or is your friend giving you descriptions in advance of its completion? Also, will your images be published in the book, or are they more for marketing (posters, dust jacket, etc.)? How exciting!

You may have inspired me to try illustrating a poem (a novel would be way too challenging for me at this time)

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Re: Character Design: Aetheria

Postby bwansy » Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:42 am


The novel is still in planning stage, so it hasn't been started yet, but I was deeply impressed by the story when he told me his ideas. This picture was drew solely for self-entertainment. :D

One more thing... that green crystal is not her necklace. It's... part of her body. All these were to show that she is not a real human.
Every Inkscape work of mine is an experiment.

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