Convert AVERY files to Inkscape?? Possible??

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Convert AVERY files to Inkscape?? Possible??

Postby Sage61 » Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:52 pm

My dilemma... I have ALL my "work" (graphics with text) on Avery DesignPro 4" template circles which places 4 - 4" circles on one regular size sheet of cardstock for printing.
IS IT POSSIBLE to convert these files (.zdl) to Inkscape??or MTC?? I NEED IT QUICK. Does anyone have an answer for this? Really appreciate any help as I am in a huge bind. Thanks.
Last edited by Sage61 on Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Convert AVERY files to Inkscape?? Possible??

Postby brynn » Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:38 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

What format are the avery files, or what is the file extension? If it's one Inkscape can open or import, then it should work. Or if it can be exported or converted to some format which Inkscape accepts, that should work.

But if it literally is 4 circles on a page, that would take like 2 minutes to actually draw in Inkscape, and forget about the avery template!

When you say "...convert these files to Inkscape??" do you mean SVG? Or Inkscape can also produce files in other formats. Do you know what format you need, besides "Inkscape"?

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Re: Convert AVERY files to Inkscape?? Possible??

Postby Sage61 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:57 pm

My Avery DesignPro 5.5 files are .zdl ones and Avery does NOT allow you to put into ANY other files.
It is not just the 4' circles I would have to create in Inkscape but the whole design again. Even copying and pasting would take considerable time since each of my circle graphics are pieced together with a few designs...

I am NOT sure about how Inkscape works meaning what it accepts etc. I am still learning alot of the "lingo" on all of this.

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Re: Convert AVERY files to Inkscape?? Possible??

Postby brynn » Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:16 am

Inkscape cannot save or open ZDL files. But it's possible they could be imported. I can only suggest trying it to see what happens. Normally with any raster format (I'm assuming ZDL is a raster format?) one could import, then use Path menu > Trace Bitmap to convert to vector. I don't know if this will work for you or not. But since I don't have any of such files, I can't experiment for you.

Why don't you go ahead and try that? If you can't get it to work, you could try attaching a ZDL file to your reply. I'm not even sure if the forum will accept that format though, and I'm guessing probably not. But if it does, I (or others) could download, and experiment.

But as I said, I'm kind of doubting that will work. Here's another idea. Open one of your ZDL files with the avery program, and try saving as PNG or JPG. (Then later you can import to Inkscape and use Trace Bitmap.) If that doesn't work, go to your file manager (Windows Explorer, in Windows, e.g.), then select one of the ZDL files, and try to rename it, using PNG or JPG instead of ZDL. You'll probably get some kind of warning about possible loss of content. But as long as you're working on a COPY of the file, you won't have anything to lose by trying. If you can get it renamed with a PNG or JPG extension, then you can import to Inkscape.

If all that fails, I think your last resort is to print one of the ZDL files, and scan it into your hard drive. Scanning will convert to BMP or depending on your scanner, any of a few different formats. PNG or JPG would be the best choices. Or if you don't have a scanner, you could try making a Print Screen from a webpage, and save as PNG or JPG.

And just for one last idea, in case you can't even scan or print screen -- a graphics program called Irfanview ( is known for its compatibility with a wide variety of graphics formats. If you can't convert the ZDL file with the avery program, or in your file manager, Irfanview MIGHT work. Also another program called The GIMP might work, although I doubt it ( But since you have very few options, it might be worth a try. If you can't open the files with these programs, don't forget to also try importing. The goal is to convert the ZDL to either PNG or JPG.

Not to bring you down, but usually proprietary programs like this don't want you to use their stuff outside of their program, and they make it impossible to do so. There's a good chance that scanning is your only option (or print screen). But I would also urge you to read their copyright. If your use of this avery graphic is personal, they might not mind if you use it outside their program. But if it's for any money-making or otherwise commercial use, their copyright is probably not going to permit it.

So try working through all these ideas, and let us know how it goes. Scanning is probably going to be your best option.
Good luck :D

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Re: Convert AVERY files to Inkscape?? Possible??

Postby PatJr » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:31 am

kitchen sink

maybe you could open a pdf in inkscape
"print" your zdl file to file with

Pat Jr.

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