Inkscape crashes on open: Mac OS X 10.9.4

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Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:39 am

Inkscape crashes on open: Mac OS X 10.9.4

Postby waheedarshad » Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:45 am

InkScape (latest version, downloaded today) fails to open.

- Apple's GateKeeper security feature is not preventing Inkscape from opening
- I have the latest XQuartz installed (and restarted my computer, post installation)
- When I try opening via Contents/Resources/openDoc, I get the following message:

"Last login: Tue Jul 22 22:23:14 on ttys000
/Applications/ ; exit;
Waheed-2:~ Waheed$ /Applications/ ; exit;
W: AppleCollationOrder setting not found, using AppleLocale.
Setting LANGSTR from AppleLocale: en
Overriding empty LANG from /usr/share/locale/locale.alias
Setting Language: en_US.UTF-8
Nothing to do!

[Process completed]"

- The messages I receive in Console is as follows:
"22/07/2014 22:30:00.875 Inkscape[1155] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
22/07/2014 22:30:00.934 SIMBL Agent[199] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /Applications/; it may not be scriptable.
22/07/2014 22:30:01.115 defaults[1200]
The domain/default pair of (kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, AppleAquaColorVariant) does not exist
22/07/2014 22:30:01.128 defaults[1205]
The domain/default pair of (kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, AppleHighlightColor) does not exist"

I would be most grateful if someone could help me here. Thanks very much in advance.

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:08 am

Re: Inkscape crashes on open: Mac OS X 10.9.4

Postby b3zra1y » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:35 am

Super surprised that no one has replied to this.
Is Inkscape simply not viable on Mac OSX 10.9.x ?
If so... I love(d) Inkscape but now have to look elsewhere.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:19 pm

Re: Inkscape crashes on open: Mac OS X 10.9.4

Postby mercy » Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:23 pm

Im having the same problem - at first it was saying that osx 10.9.4 wasnt allowing the app to open through security in system prefs,
but it was the option to tick only Adobe software download blurb...still was really looking forward to using this! :(

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