Can anyone suggest a way to make the cut shown in red? EDIT: without requiring manual rework.
I have attempted various methods without success.
Lazur URH wrote:4. move points into the right position-snap them to the guide line
Lazur URH wrote:The problem is, if you have a path that has double points in one exact position,
AND you want to edit the path furthermore by adding/substracting/intersecting other paths to it, inkscape automatically merges the two points together.
Lazur URH wrote: you can window select all the points that should be aligned, and use the align and distribute menu to make them aligned onto one horizontal or vertical line
Lazur URH wrote: or type in the coordinate that all should have the same.
Lazur URH wrote: That way you can handle hundreds of points at the same time.
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote: or type in the coordinate that all should have the same.
Where do I type the coordinate, please? I tried Object, Transform but this does not work on points.
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote: That way you can handle hundreds of points at the same time.
The snag is I can only get a few point in each selection box, because points are close together horizontally (needing zoom in) but wide apart vertically (needing zoom out).
I wonder is there is any way to select a point without having to bring it into view. E.g. by label - though I find no labelling feature in the program.
Lazur URH wrote:I don't know what is your main goal with this
Lazur URH wrote: but doubles are not "good" for this drawing type's logic.
Lazur URH wrote:It would be better, if you combine -or group- the the two paths and the one in between together.
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote:I don't know what is your main goal with this
A DXF file for CAM.
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote: but doubles are not "good" for this drawing type's logic.
These "doubles" are two points at the same coordinates and on the same path but non-adjacent in sequence on that path. What is not good about this, except for the promblem you noted of Inkscape somtimes combining the points?
Lazur URH wrote:It is always a problem, both in cad and in drawing to handle and modify things that are too close to eachother.
Lazur URH wrote:In this case, when two points have the same coordinates in a path ... inkscape merges them at boolean actions.
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote:It is always a problem, both in cad and in drawing to handle and modify things that are too close to eachother.
I can only say that is not my experience that it is generally a problem in other programs.
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote:In this case, when two points have the same coordinates in a path ... inkscape merges them at boolean actions.
That's really disappointing. I hope this gets fixed in a future version.
Lazur URH wrote:When one path is substracted from another that has the same path in it will result creating random nodes.
Lazur URH wrote:Svg is mostly for displaying graphics, where doubles are unnecessary.
Lazur URH wrote: It would be best if it was able to turn off
chrisjj wrote:Lazur URH wrote:Svg is mostly for displaying graphics, where doubles are unnecessary.
Here's a disproof:
Lazur URH wrote:that point can be merged most of the times into one.