Fill Traced Path Background

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Fill Traced Path Background

Postby inkschaap » Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:06 am

I'm using Path->Trace bitmap to vectorize a "complex" image (meaning no geometric figure), the result is exactly what I want but the background it's transparent.
I'd like to fill it with white.
Fill doesn't work because it leaves a transparent line, and making the stroke bigger won't work since my figure it's curved and it either goes out of its outline or leave a transparent line.
It has to be placed on an image with a different color than white so the white must be within its limits.
I've tried to use a white rectangle and the path->division or the others, but i still can't find the right way to do it, it may be a combination of them :|
I've attached a sample of the traced bitmap
sdfsfd.png (24.51 KiB) Viewed 1920 times

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Re: Fill Traced Path Background

Postby Xav » Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:41 am

If I understand your requirements correctly, here's what I would do:

1) Duplicate the path (Ctrl-D)
2) Path > Break Apart (Ctrl-Shift-K)
3) Path > Union (Ctrl-+ (on the numeric keypad))
4) Set the fill to white
5) Path > Inset to pull it in from the edges a little. If that pulls it in too much, undo and use Path > Dynamic Offset instead so that you've got more control over the amount it moves by.
6) Send to back to put it behind the original trace.
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Re: Fill Traced Path Background

Postby inkschaap » Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:46 am

Thanks it's almost perfect! Dont even need to change the inset, just a little area which was not enclosed now it's still transaparent, but now I can use more "raw" methods, I'l just try to change the brightness cutoff or cut a piece, many thanks again

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