RotSprite option for image rendering

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Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:12 pm

RotSprite option for image rendering

Postby wizzardx » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:26 pm

Hi there.

To give some context:

I've used Inkscape a lot for work with complicated sprite reconstructions. Basically, taking lots of small parts from sprite sheets, rotating & scaling them, and then rendering each frame to a PNG file, which then (for instance) I import into GIMP to convert to an animated GIF.

Here's an example (yeah, it's not so great):


That's a character from a GUST video game, Ar tonelico 2. The sprite sheets for her have lots of tiny bits, and many parts need to be scaled/rotated/etc (Inkscape was awesome for this), so they match the original seen in the game. (Also I had to use a lot of tricks, like adding black outlines, and making sure that each of the parts, lined up on a 1-pixel boundary in inkscape, and a few other things, to reduce Inscape image rendering artifacts).


Now, one of the major problems I have with Inkscape (or most other image editors), is that rotating (and scaling) causes a lot of anti-aliasing effects, and changes colors. You need to do a lot of manual editing to fix things up.

However, it seems that a clever developer, Xenowhirl, has made a tool called RotSprite, which can do sprite rotation and scaling very nicely, with very few anti-aliasing effects/color changes/etc effects. Actually the algorithm it uses sounds really clever.

Is there any chance that Inkscape's "export to bitmap" dialogue can get a new option, where images are rendered using RotSprite's algorithm, instead of anti-aliasing?

Anyway, just mentioning this here. Should I post this as a feature request on the bugtracker?

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