Pen Tool
Re: Pen Tool
I would try this viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2037#goto-delpref and if that doesn't make a difference I would double check you are using the options correctly.
Re: Pen Tool
Tried deleting the Preferences file, but that didn't change the way the Pen tool acted. Downloaded and reinstalled Inkscape (twice) and that didn't change it, either.
When I try to change the lines from straight to curved, I just get a box, like the rubber band you use to surround nodes. Sometimes the line becomes a curve, but sometimes it snaps back to straight.
What am I doing wrong?
When I try to change the lines from straight to curved, I just get a box, like the rubber band you use to surround nodes. Sometimes the line becomes a curve, but sometimes it snaps back to straight.
What am I doing wrong?
Re: Pen Tool
I think I've learned how to use the Pen (Bezier) tool and the Spiro mode to make curves. Not exactly sure what I'm doing yet, but I'll keep working on it. I seem to have the most trouble making the initial curves. The tutorial in Very Simple Designs http://verysimpledesigns.com/vectors/in ... wirls.html has helped.
Re: Pen Tool
I think the Pen (Bezier) tool
in Spiro mode works best with the Wacom stylus, instead of the mouse.

Re: Pen Tool
Merritt wrote:I think the Pen (Bezier) toolin Spiro mode works best with the Wacom stylus, instead of the mouse.
I would not have agreed with that. Tablets are good for

I'm not clear on what difficulty you're having but it sounds like you're simply not familiar with how it works. I recommend you read this documentation - http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL ... ths-Bezier or http://www.microugly.com/inkscape-quick ... awing-path
Re: Pen Tool
When I've had this problem (not being able to manipulate the nodes as expected with the node tool after creating path with the bezier pen tool)it's been because I didn't realize the path was drawn with the spiro mode selected. You can check this by looking at the info bar on the bottom of the screen with the path selected to see if path effect Spiro is applied.