Diamonds game using Inkscape

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Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Loadus » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:50 pm

Graphics for mobile game using Inkscape.

The graphics for this is now 'old' as I did all the stuff to this in the summer, but I now have the freedom to post samples.

Everything you see on this video (excluding the fonts and audio) is created using the mighty Inkscape. I'm risking my account when posting this (as it might be considered spamming) but I like to show this off to all Inkscape haters who claim you can't do anything productive with it. :)

The truth is, it's the most versatile vector program out there. My props to the Inkscape team. <3


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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby brynn » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:05 pm

Very nice!
I would buy it if I had the right hardware :D

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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Loadus » Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:25 am

brynn wrote:Very nice!
I would buy it if I had the right hardware :D

thx brynn :)

Well, the game will be available for Symbian (including Bada), Android, iPhone + iPad and Facebook. It will later (maybe) be on Windows desktop and Debian (Ubuntu and the likes). And all of them can play against each other. :)

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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Simarilius » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:32 am

Loadus wrote:I'm risking my account when posting this (as it might be considered spamming) but I like to show this off to all Inkscape haters who claim you can't do anything productive with it. :)

If its inkscape related and in the right forum, and your account has history of real posts then we would never outright ban you (personally I love seeing inkscape being put to work in tasks like this)

If it was too outright promotional with v little inkscape connection the post may get moderated, you may get a pm about it or web might comment, but showing off what you've done is what this forums for.

Glad you enjoy using it, it's always nice to hear from happy users!

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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Loadus » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:54 am

A quick look at the sequel game coming out soon:

Everything is made in Inkscape. This game I'm most proud of, since I got freedom to create the gameplay as well as all the graphics. I also produced the sounds and music. This was a lot less work than the first diamonds game, since I had a clear workflow and some of the graphics were already made for the first one. But there was a lot of tweaking and adjusting and balancing the actual gameplay later on.

But shows to prove that Inkscape is a production-ready vector solution. :)

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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Loadus » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:05 am

Simarilius wrote:... (personally I love seeing inkscape being put to work in tasks like this) ...

Cool. Compared to working with Illustrator or CorelDraw on a project like this, the main difference is that it's more drawing and less tweaking nodes with Inkscape. That's why I love it. :)

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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Dillerkind » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:52 am

Heya Loadus...

I just watched the two vids. First of, personally I'm not a fan of this style/look that lots of modern (mobile) games share. BUT don't take this as negative feedback as it's really nothing more but my personal and often times somewhat strange preferences when it comes to art and games (I'm more into the old-school low-res stuff :lol:). Technically I can't find anything to criticize. Graphics are colorful and polished. All the tiny bits and parts fit together quite well. Gameplay looks smooth and fun and I think in general that's exactly what people are looking for these days. Thumbs up!

As for the "Inkscape haters"... Just let them talk. Nobody is being forced to use this program or another. People are free to choose. Sure, Inkscape isn't perfect. There's still room for improvement, more features and so on. There will always be... But the same goes for all the other (commercial) programs as well. I wouldn't be too surprised if some of the most aggressive haters have never really tried to use the program they're hating. In the end the most important factor is still the person using a program. You can do great things with shitty tools but you can also produce crap with the most advanced and awesome tools.

The scope of my own projects is a lot smaller than your games', so I should certainly not talk much about "production-ready" qualities. But for whatever that's worth, I double what you said about Inkscape :)
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Re: Diamonds game using Inkscape

Postby Loadus » Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:52 pm

Thx, Dillerkind! ^.^

Yea, creating casualgame stuff is really different from "normal" art stuff, specially with a jewels game like this one - it's a certain kind of audience I'm trying to grab with it. :D


Brainstorming in Inkscape + all the art assets:


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