In first time, sorry for my english ... i'm french and for us, others languages are so difficult!!

I try to explain my problème :
My OS is Windows and i used Inkscape 0.46
We created an image on Adobe Illustrator with some text. Then, we export this image in SVG format and to process this file in specific application, we used inkscape in command line to export in PDF format.
The problem is the font which is decribed in SVG files is not understood by the Inkscape export. The result on PDF file is all my text are in same font without style. I think the font is translate in basic font.
If someone can help me, it will be great!!
Font described in my SVG :
style="font-family:'Arail-BoldMT'; font-size:20.1732; "
Inkscape Command Line used :
"inkscape --export-pdf=file.PDF --export-embed-fonts --export-text-to-path file.SVG