Editing path data ('d') attribute directory for an arc

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Editing path data ('d') attribute directory for an arc

Postby daviddoria » Fri May 22, 2009 10:13 pm

If I draw an ellipse and then go into the XML editor - if I change something in the 'd' (path) attribute, say from

Code: Select all

m 189.65486,200 a 25,25 0 1 1 -50,0 25,25 0 1 1 50,0 z


Code: Select all

m 100,200 a 25,25 0 1 1 -50,0 25,25 0 1 1 50,0 z

and click 'set', it changes the path back to the original text. I'm guessing this is because the sodipodi:cx property is set so that is taking precedence? Is there a way to edit this path manually?



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Re: Editing path data ('d') attribute directory for an arc

Postby EarlyBlake » Fri May 22, 2009 10:52 pm

I think it's more likely you put in some coordinates that weren't executable. That d (line node what ever you want to call it) has the coordinates of the open circle nodes on ellipse. The handles you move to make a particle ellipse or arc . If you typed put in points that aren't on inkscape's extrapolation for an ellipse, inkscape probably throws your input out like bad syntax. What are you trying to do? Because if you are trying to draw an arc finding where the starting and stopping point would be is some hard core number crunching. If it just the height and width and location you want to change that can be done with the sodipodi attributes.

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