Viewpoint presets

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Viewpoint presets

Postby lndyosh » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:30 pm


I haven't used Inkscape for long, so quite possibly this idea is already realised somewhere and I just don't know about it. I think it would be helpful to be able to save your current viewpoint (a combination of zoom and x-y positioning) and then to assign a shortcut to it. Something along the lines of zoom presets (keyboard shortcuts 3,4,5), but customisable. When working on complex projects, sometimes you need to zoom out to get a wider view and then go back to detailed editing. Having this feature should save time by doing away with constant zooming back in and trying to find the right angle / position again.

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Re: Viewpoint presets

Postby ragstian » Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:02 am

Hi Indyosh

This functionality is in place already. From the manual:
Inkscape also keeps a history of the zoom levels you've used in this work session. Press the ` key to go back to the previous zoom, or Shift+` to go forward.
The key is "backquote" - on my American Layout Keyboard it's right under the 'ESC' Key.
See here:
and here:

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RGDS Ragnar
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Re: Viewpoint presets

Postby lndyosh » Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:12 am

Thanks, ragstian. I'm still going through the manual and haven't gotten to the bit you referred to. The only thing with the backquote key is it records all instances of zooming - so you'd have to go back a fair few times to get to your original position. For example, I might be editing nodes at 3200% zoom, then zoom out with Ctrl + Middle Mouse Wheel to 283% to get a wide picture. Inkscape would record each step in the zooming out process (3200%, 2263%, 1600%, 1131%, 800%, 566%, 400% and finally 283%), so I'd have to hit backquote exactly seven times before I'm where I need to be.

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Re: Viewpoint presets

Postby druban » Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:17 am

try the Q key.
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Re: Viewpoint presets

Postby lndyosh » Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:02 pm

Great, thanks. Also, wish I found this topic before starting mine.


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