iPhone 3G

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iPhone 3G

Postby MarbleIconsInc » Mon May 11, 2009 2:11 am

Hey guys, I'm rather new to Inkscape (I downloaded it only two weeks ago), but I've been trying lots of little projects based on tutorials and such I found online so I can learn how to design and create illustrations. This is the first project I've attempted based on an idea I had (ie, not one suggested or shown in a tutorial I found, although I'm sure somebody has made an iPhone on Inkscape before). I based the design for it off of a high resolution picture I found online and my own personal iPod Touch.

I think some parts of it were made quite well (the speaker and the mesh-like grid for the favorite apps, SMS, Calendar, iPod, Phone), some are okay considering I made them from scratch (camera, Safari, maybe if I added those clouds to Mail), and I know that some really suck (Photos!).

I'd appreciate any and all comments or advise you may have to make this look better. It's not a really serious project, as I'm sure you can tell, so I'm not trying to make it look exactly like the real thing, but I'd still like to make it look pretty good. I'm definitively going to go back and fix the Photos app when I'm all done.

Thanks guys :)


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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby EarlyBlake » Mon May 11, 2009 5:30 am

SVG, we have an app for that! OK not really. Wow nice iPhone. For a minute I was worried this was another spam advertisement.

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Postby MarbleIconsInc » Tue May 12, 2009 10:46 am

This is my progress so far:


My changes so far have been adding the Youtube and Stocks icons and sharpening the corners on all the icons (I realized that they were too rounded while making Youtube). Doesn't seem like much, but the Stocks app is very intricate and somewhat challenging for a beginner to do, and it took awhile to fix up the corners and such (I was stupid for not just making them clones or something like that).

Hope to get it done in the next week or so :D

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby Ufuk_k » Tue May 12, 2009 6:45 pm

It is nice, I liked it. I have some suggestions if you don't mind. Try reducing the border size and the size of the white stroke a little. And also add gradient to this strokes. And finally add a short reflection of iphone under it.
Ufuk Kilicaslan

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby AuStrAL!@ » Thu May 14, 2009 3:38 am

Beautiful work. I look forward to seeing the evolution of your work and the arrival of new icons. :P

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby MarbleIconsInc » Wed May 20, 2009 8:38 am

Hey guys, here's another update:


Since my last post, I've added the Weather app and (most of) the Maps app, lightened up the iPod app, added a shadow to Mail, added more glare to the reflections on everything, and slightly adjusted the text location. The idea of finishing this in a week has flown out the window; I'm much too busy doing other *air quotes* more important things, and I won't be able to finish this before June, sad to say.

Thanks to everyone who's commented already. I'm taking most of your suggestions, and I hope to add a chrome border by my next post.

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby Galigator » Wed May 27, 2009 3:07 am

Edges are too smooth.

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby MarbleIconsInc » Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:23 pm

Finally did enough to make an update!


Down to my final 3 icons now, and I've separately started making some icons for iPod Touch specific apps. Added a chrome border, albeit a rather crude one. Fixed the gradients for Text, Phone, and iPod. I'm thinking of only adding the Settings app for my next update and concentrating on adding the details for Mail and Safari. I'm rather pleased with how it's coming.

Ufuk_k wrote:I have some suggestions if you don't mind. Try reducing the border size and the size of the white stroke a little. And also add gradient to this strokes.

Not quite sure which border and white stroke you're talking about here, Ufuk_k.

Galigator wrote:Edges are too smooth.

Which edges, Galigator?

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby MarbleIconsInc » Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:45 am

Minor update and message:


I just took a look at the new home screen for the iPhone 3G S last night, and I noticed some minor changes they put into some of the app logos, and they have two new ones for Voice Memos and a Compass. I've decided to stick with just doing the old iPhone 3G style because I don't like the logos for the two new apps. Hope to be done soon. All that's left is for me to make the Settings, iTunes, and the App Store (this'll be exactly like iTunes except in different colors and with a different symbol in the middle), and then spruce up the Photos app and finally make it look halfway decent.

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Re: iPhone 3G

Postby wendrila » Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:18 pm

How much do you really pay for an iphone? I'm planning on buying an 8gb iphone. I am already a customer for At&t and want to know a few things. can i put my old sim card into the iphone and still use it? How much will i pay for a new 8gb iphone with no contract? will i have to pay more per month than what i'm paying now? if you have an iphone, is it worth it?
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