I think that's only for developers. I took this info off a message on the dev mailing list. I found it interesting and thought others might. Since it was not posted to the user list, I'd say it's only for developers.
But if you have wiki creds, you could post to that Roadmap topic. Hold on, let me find it.... Here:
viewtopic.php?f=21&t=18053 Please read the entire mailing list message, that I posted in the op. (It's also mostly for devs. I was going to post a short list of the feature requests we see most often (to the wiki Roadmap pg). But my request in that topic for members to help me make the list went unanswered. So I haven't posted anything.) I don't see anything about CAD-like features on the Roadmap (link in the above referenced msg).
Actually I'm not sure if developers are aware of the number of messages we get about CAD-like features. In the short time since I subscribed to the dev mailing list, I've never seen any comments around the issue. (although I don't read them all) I'm pretty sure there are formal feature requests for it though (at LP).....right? That is the user's route to getting new features. If no one has ever made a new feature request, someone should, asap. And if there are existing requests, the more people who show their interest in these feature requests, the more likely a developer will take on the task (register at
Launchpad and click "This bug affects you").
However, based on some things I've read, such as
https://inkscape.org/en/learn/faq/#Inks ... r_programs, and some other things here and there, such as - why re-invent the wheel, there are plenty of "whatever" apps around, etc., the developers may not be interested in adding CAD-like features. But I guess the only way to find out, is ask.
To get things done in an open source community, it takes passionate people who are willing to
take the initiative to bring the subjects they think are important to the attention of project's community.
For programmers, that means writing the program's code.
For webmasters, that means helping on the website. For advanced users, that means
testing and
reporting bugs.
For any kind of users, that means promoting the program when you have the opportunity. Here are 2 scenarios that come to mind, and there's no reason we can't do both (assuming you want to be part of "we", lol).
1 - Make a new topic asking for people to post the features they would most like to see in Inkscape. Pare down that list to the top 3 to 5 items, and I (or anyone with wiki creds) can add it to the Roadmap brainstorming section. (I think part of the reason no one replied appropriately is because the op was too long. I could make a much shorter message, leaving out the info most people don't need, and just ask for favorites.)
2 - Search LP for requests for the CAD-like features. Maybe even make a list of them. Study them and decide whether the requests have been presented well and improve them if necessary. Post a topic here -- if you want these features, go to LP and click "me too".
Sorry for getting carried away. I guess I'm one of those passionate people