i know of a couple of the cool features that will come out with the new version of inkscape; especially the bucket fill
what are people hanging out for in the new release? what google summer of code projects for inkscape do you like? im hanging out for the direct upload to http://openclipart.org my self...
here are some LINKS for the upcoming features:
ScreenShots for Inkscape 0.46:
The Release Notes (so far) for 0.46
The Google Summer of Code - Inkscape Projects:
Inkscape 0.46 Features...
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
I'm definitely hanging out for the paint bucket. It's such a simple features that's going to make a lot tasks very simple. Used with the calligraphy tool it's going to make drawing a snap, just like with raster programs. Hand positioning each node will be a thing of the past.
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
Blend modes is something I've been waiting for, and they're looking neat in the current SVN. The new calligraphy/"engraving" features look awesome too, from what I saw at LGM.
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
i also think that the selection by touch will be super useful as well...
here is what the inkscape wiki said about the new seletion by touch tool:
here is what the inkscape wiki said about the new seletion by touch tool:
A new selection mode is available: selecting by touch. In this mode, you draw a freehand path across the objects; when you release mouse button, all objects that are touched by this path get selected. This mode is very convenient in situations where you need to select objects so intermingled that selecting them by the rectangular rubberband is too difficult and so numerous that click-selecting them one by one is too tedious.
To activate selecting by touch, whenever you are drawing a rubberband rectangle, just press Alt to switch it to the touch mode. The rectangle will disappear and a red touch path will be shown instead. When dragging from an empty space, you can press Alt first and then start to drag to get the touch mode (note that your selection must be empty, otherwise Alt+dragging will move the selected objects instead). To start a touch selection from a point over an object, or to add to existing selection by touching, press Shift+Alt and then start to drag.
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
bovinity wrote:Blend modes is something I've been waiting for, and they're looking neat in the current SVN. The new calligraphy/"engraving" features look awesome too, from what I saw at LGM.
scuse my ignorance bovinity, what will the blend modes do?
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
Fire up GIMP and take a look at the Layers palette; there's a drop down of blend modes, such as "Burn", "Dodge", "Multiply", which cause the selected layer to alter the appearance of layers below. Each mode does something different to the colours -- generally lightening, or darkening in some fashion.
Try it out with a photo.. duplicate the bottom layer, gaussian blur, set to Multiply, and tweak the opacity. You'll get some soft focus haloing.
It's going to allow for some very nifty visual effects in Inkscape.
Try it out with a photo.. duplicate the bottom layer, gaussian blur, set to Multiply, and tweak the opacity. You'll get some soft focus haloing.
It's going to allow for some very nifty visual effects in Inkscape.
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
I haven't seen an official statement about "Blend". All I could find was a empty section on the release notes. Is the ability to set a blend mode a part of the SVG standard or will Inkscape have to work around the limitations of SVG?
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
microUgly wrote:I haven't seen an official statement about "Blend". All I could find was a empty section on the release notes. Is the ability to set a blend mode a part of the SVG standard or will Inkscape have to work around the limitations of SVG?
It's part of the spec, as one of the numerous filter effects - http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/filters.html#feBlend. If you check out the current SVN, or a recent nightly build, it has a sample file called blend-modes.svg. Last time I looked, a few days ago, the UI hadn't been implemented yet.
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:22 pm
Re: Inkscape 0.46 Features...
I'm looking forward to bucket, touch selection And blend modes. Inkscape releases always bring so much eh? 
Apart from that I'd really like to get a perspective grid or this feature here (perspective/warp envelope) eventually. I'd also like something that acts like mask except that it keeps transparent areas opaque (so that I can do easy editable holes or transparency fades without having to cover the whole area first), but apparently that'd conflict somewhat with the svg standard (can't the tool basically be an interface for a mask by covering the transparent area in white without forcing us to do it manually, thus losing sight of the whole image?)
Ah well.
Still, looking forward to the upcoming release!

Apart from that I'd really like to get a perspective grid or this feature here (perspective/warp envelope) eventually. I'd also like something that acts like mask except that it keeps transparent areas opaque (so that I can do easy editable holes or transparency fades without having to cover the whole area first), but apparently that'd conflict somewhat with the svg standard (can't the tool basically be an interface for a mask by covering the transparent area in white without forcing us to do it manually, thus losing sight of the whole image?)
Ah well.
Still, looking forward to the upcoming release!