Reassemble a line of text?

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Reassemble a line of text?

Postby mathog » Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:50 am

Is there a function buried in Inkscape somewhere to reassemble formatted text back into a single line of text?

In the attached example, the top line is one line of text.
The second line was made by exporting to EMF, and then reimporting.

Visually, they look the same, but they are not edited the same. Inkscape thinks of the top line as one big object, whereas it views the second one as a collection of unrelated text objects.

Is there some way to select everything in the second line, press a button, and have it converted back into a the same sort of text object as the first line?

This problem comes up with pretty much any import from another format, only SVG save/open leaves text with complicated formatting in a single piece.

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Re: Reassemble a line of text?

Postby brynn » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:46 am

Not that I know of. I guess you'd just have to cut and paste. Although there may be an extension somewhere, that I'm not aware of.

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