So, hardcopy is now available from Lulu and an online version is free of charge. Part of the income that doesn't go to Lulu for their service is divided into two equal pieces and goes to 1) FLOSS Manuals that hosts the project and to 2) funding for a future Inkscape's Book Sprint — I'm saying this just because in the end someone will ask the question

The content is licensed under GPL v2 or newer, and you are free to join the documentation/translation project. Details are here. There is still some work required to cover the rest of features (a list of changes is in the wiki), and we will update the book for 0.47 features when it's out as well. Also, when translation to any other language is done, we can make it available from Lulu too.
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Code: Select all
@import url("http://en.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.css");
<img src="http://www.flossmanuals.net/bookstore/bookstore.gif" style="margin-bottom:2px;">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stores.lulu.com/feed.php?fStore=flossmanuals&fFormat=js"></script>
Both Elisa de Castro Guerra and Cedric Gemy who participated at Book Sprint will have their own books on Inkscape published this year. That makes two more books on Inkscape in French (Elisa's new book is a new edition of the first book on Inkscape in French that was published in 2007). We will announce them separately.