Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

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Tweaking Knobs

Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby Tweaking Knobs » Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:25 am

Here you can donate to improve inkscape, I will donate , not uch as im kinda broke but if we all donate even 5 euros we can do a lot.

I gave 5.

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Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby aho » Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:49 am

Nah... that isn't official stuff at all. Currently Inkscape doesn't raise any funds. However, if you want to donate some money you can do that via Sourceforge: ... p_id=93438

Every developer with a '$' next to his/her nick accepts donations: ... p_id=93438

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Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby microUgly » Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:37 am

aho wrote:Nah... that isn't official stuff at all.

So do you know how it works? I seen the same info on so assumed it was an official relationship.

How does Inkscape work with donations? Linux fund is trying to raise $1300--how is that money used? I expect the SF donating system is simply a way to reward developers for the time they've spent. But $1300 sounds like it you're hiring a contractor to do the work?

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Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby aho » Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:49 am

Oh it's indeed linked from My bad. It's some kind of bounty thing then. You pay someone to implement some specific features.

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Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby hellocatfood » Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:10 am

microUgly wrote:
aho wrote:Nah... that isn't official stuff at all.

So do you know how it works? I seen the same info on so assumed it was an official relationship.

How does Inkscape work with donations? Linux fund is trying to raise $1300--how is that money used? I expect the SF donating system is simply a way to reward developers for the time they've spent. But $1300 sounds like it you're hiring a contractor to do the work?

It says in the description how the money will be used:
* Rewrite the text toolbar font selection dropdown
* Redesign the text attributes dialog
* Implement numeric/user-controllable kerning control
* Fix outstanding bugs: #168320, #181663, #168273, #167565, #172120, #168064, #269625
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Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby microUgly » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:36 am

hellocatfood wrote:It says in the description how the money will be used:
* Rewrite the text toolbar font selection dropdown
* Redesign the text attributes dialog
* Implement numeric/user-controllable kerning control
* Fix outstanding bugs: #168320, #181663, #168273, #167565, #172120, #168064, #269625

I knew how it would be "used", but I don't understand how it works. As in, who is paid to do the work, and how is such a person chosen. Did someone approach Linuxfund and say, "for $1300 I'll write code for these features and bugs". I'm just curious.

EDIT: ... or is LinuxFund themselves a commercial business, accepting money to work on OS software?

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Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby Simarilius » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:22 am

My understanding was they already have the money for it. Linuxfund manage the cash that comes from a charity credit card.
If you want to donate straight to inkscape theres a link from the sourceforge project page.

Michael Dexter

Re: Official donate to imrove Inkscpae.

Postby Michael Dexter » Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:28 am

Linux Fund is a nonprofit organization that contacted the core developers to identify who is most appropriate to implement the features we wanted to prioritized. Michael Dexter, Linux Fund.

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