.SVG Thumbnails in XP

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.SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Ngallion » Thu May 08, 2008 2:17 pm

I know this question has been raised before, but I haven't been able to find an answer yet:

Is there any way to enable .SVG thumbnails in XP's explorer? I know that there are plugins for TotalCommander and such, but is there any way to view them in a folder's thumbnail view setting?

I'm loving Inkscape, but this is driving me nuts!

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby microUgly » Thu May 08, 2008 2:27 pm

I haven't tried it myself, but you can get this functionality if you install Renesis Player. If you give it a go, let us know what it's like.


Plugin Review

Postby Ngallion » Thu May 08, 2008 2:58 pm

Thanks! Done.

- You don't have to install the entire package - a standalone plugin for SVG thumbnails is available
- It's a very small download
- It works! (mostly)

- Only a portion of large files are displayed in the thumbnail. This is inconvenient as I often have similar but different images during the creation process and it's impossible to discern them from each other.

Bottom Line:
While it's not perfect, it's apparently the only option we XP users have at the moment. Ubuntu, anyone?

Thanks again for the link!

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby itk » Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:49 am

Hope you don't mind me reviving this old post, but as this was the first result when I just googled "winxp svg thumbnails" I thought I'd register to say thanks and tell about my experience with this...

The 650kb download of the thumbnail extension installed quick and without any problems on WinXP, and so far testing it with some of my folders I'm more or less happy with it.
Thumbnailing seems to work very good (tested on about 250 svg and svgz files) but there still are some
Annoyances (for me, that is):
-Doesn't do previews for the "details" box in explorer (that thing on the lower left in XP), a pity for me as I mostly use win explorer in details view, looking at thumbs in that location. (And looking at e.G. the full open clip art folder in thumbnail view will bring my old machine to it's knees for quite a while, so this is actually a major problem for me)
-Completely ignores text items (When I first saw it I thought I might be missing a font in my system, but no, text simply doesn't get rendered)
-Fully ignores the document settings, i.e. size and background color, so documents where the svg content is on a larger bg look unexpected, also (in my desktop theme, which is classic) things in white arranged on a dark background look as if non-existent.

Basically it's still not perfect but works really well, so many many thanks for the link provided.

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:55 am

Doesn't do previews for the "details" box in explorer (that thing on the lower left in XP), a pity for me as I mostly use win explorer in details view, looking at thumbs in that location. (And looking at e.G. the full open clip art folder in thumbnail view will bring my old machine to it's knees for quite a while, so this is actually a major problem for me)

I use Windows Explorer extensively, and the Renesis Thumbnail plug-in as well. But I don't know what previews or details box you mean. Do you mean the little box of text that pops up when you mouseover and hold still for a second, over a file? I have never seen an image preview there, SVG or otherwise. I just switched my view from Thumbs to Details, but don't see any sort of preview in the Details view either.

"that thing on the lower left in XP" Hhhm, it must be something I've either disabled or never used. Maybe this preview thing isn't technically a thumbnail, and therefore Renesis doesn't affect it?

Regarding text, I've never had a problem with the Renesis plug-in displaying images with text. The only problem I've ever encountered is that sometimes thumbs of certain images aren't displayed, even though most all of them are. I've never been able to determine if there's something about those images that might cause this. And I even contacted them about it. But they said they know there are some problems and that they are working on the next version.

Still a free and mostly functional program in my book :D

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby itk » Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:36 am

Well, I just prepared a screenshot of what I meant with "details" box-
that's what it's titled in german windows- and omw realized my explorer seemingly just needed a restart, thumbnails for svg are now showing where I need them most ;)(See image)
How is this item labeled in english versions of XP?
(OK, not a svg shown here, when I saw it working ok I was too lazy to fetch a second screenie)

I also noticed a problem with bitmaps, from what I saw in the last day my problems with these seem to happen when I embedded the actual bitmap into the svg, external references seem to show OK. (Surely this may be a coincidence and not the culprit at all)

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Aladin3 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:12 am


to view Thumb in Windows XP/7 use - http://www.examotion.com/index.php?id=p ... nload&L=11 --- Windows Thumbnail Plugin.

Works fine for me.

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:31 am

Oh dear itk, I don't know how I missed your reply :oops:
I had a cataract surgery, right after I replied, and by the time I could see my computer screen well enough to type messages, it must have already been pushed down the page. I'm really sorry :(

Here's a screen print of my XP's Windows Explorer. It was easier than trying to describe everything. I think it may be that I have an option to use your type of display, but I think I prefer mine. Or maybe the German XP and the US XP are a little different for some reason? Oh! I use the Windows 95 theme, or classic XP, or something like that, I forget what it's called. I'll bet that's it. In any case, you can see how mine works, that I not only get thumbs, I get the whole folder!
You might notice that I've tweaked my system's display settings to make some things bigger (that's for the cataracts) (next eye gets done next week, then hopefully I can change my display back to normal - cross fingers!)

Anyway, you can see that one of my SVG thumbs isn't displayed (xmorn.svg), while the other one is (fancy egg.svg). But in the latter, there's an egg-shaped JPG embedded, which as you can tell, isn't displayed. I don't know what it is about the former that keeps it from being displayed.

Aladin3 -- yes, same software as in microUgly's reply :mrgreen:

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby sfranky » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:46 pm

is the renesis viewer available somewhere? their site no longer exists, and I can't seem to find it anywhere? Could anyone provide it or show me where i can get a hold of it?
thanks in advance !


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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Uktrunie » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:45 am

Well, I don't know if this could be considered legal or not... It is freeware so...

Or if this goes against forum rules... Just let me know and I'll wipe the post ASAP.

I've uploaded to rapidshare in case someone comes looking for it.


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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:31 am

Well, I had the same thought. But still trying to gather some info about what happened to the site:

Does anyone know?

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby tumagonx » Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:36 pm

Hi uktrunie, would you mind to update your RS link (it's expired) ? since I'm too late to dig this apps...

Thanks a lot, anyone know if a mirror exist?

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby tumagonx » Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:40 pm

I wish someone may share it on dropbox? The RS link above already expired

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Uktrunie » Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:09 pm

Yeah... I'll try that when I get home.

Does anyone know some good server? Because Rapidshare... erm... well...

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:34 pm

I don't know about this, guys....I thought about simply uploading copies of the Renesis files right here in the forum. BUT --
There could be some copyright issues on the software. I wonder if it might be best to first find out what happened to it, and whether the copyright owner cares if we do so (or where it they might still exist in a legal way)?

Note my topic here: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=6092
If anyone has any info on this, please reply :D


Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby itsme » Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:01 pm

***!!!***Please note that this link to a MediaFire-hosted file is posted by a Guest, and not a registered member. Remember -- there is NEVER a guarantee that any software downloaded from the internet is safe***!!!***

Please read this topic/thread to the end, before downloading this file. And also this one: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=6092
We're trying to find a way to provide the Renesis files properly and legally.


Last edited by brynn on Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby tumagonx » Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:12 pm

Sorry didn't mean to be subversive, but the site was dead. I tried google cache a while but it's too late. Do you think the owner forgot to pay DNS' bill by any chance? Mostly this kind of apps is freely redistributable at least some mirror site offered it.

Uktrunie have you read its EULA?

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:54 am

Uktrunie have you read its EULA?

Well, I have 2 of the 3 related plug-ins, so I will look at the documentation for those 2. Maybe that will give us some foundation for sort of passing around the files "unofficially". Back shortly :D

edit - regarding unpaid bill, from what I understand, it's been down for well over 6 months, so probably not an unpaid bill ;)

PS - I don't recall a mirror when I downloaded.

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:58 am

AHA, nice and short!

Ok, this is the documentation with the Thumbnail plug-in.
It's my understanding that the Renesis Player consists of 3 individually downloadable plug-ins. Meaning that this copyright applies to all three plug-ins. Unfortunately, I've only installed the Thumbnail plug-in on this computer, so I'll have to look at the documentation for the plug-in which is supposed to display SVG images in Internet Explorer later (sorry I forget what it's called). It doesn't work very well (in my experience), so I didn't install on this computer. I've never even downloaded the 3rd plug-in on any computer, and also can't remember what it's called.

Anyway, it looks like a full copyright, NOT distributable? (although :oops: I don't know what "GmbH" means, I don't think it refers to the copyright)

About examotion® RENESIS® SVG Player


14th July 2008

Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008 examotion GmbH.


More information can be found at the examotion Website and on the RENESIS Player Website.
More information and resources around Scalable Vector Graphics can found at the SVG Zone.

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Uktrunie » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:52 am

ahh... We're out of luck guys. Actually I "suspected" ( 8-) ) that posting it wasn't allowed, after all, historically freeware has been distributable only under written permission from the author.

I've been thinking in coding a thumbnail handler my self, using librsvg... But I have no time to investigate, learn, and do it. But I think it's the only way out.

PS: GmbH means, according to Google translator, Limited Liability Company, LLC in English. Which, from the legal POV, is just a copyright owner. :(

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:39 am

Well, hang in there folks!
I'm following a few leads that I've turned up (for example, the contact info that was included in the support request that I mentioned earlier. ...unless that was in the other thread. Short version, just by chance I happened to have submitted a support request ticket last Feb (which gave NO indication of current events). So I'm working on it -- cross fingers :D

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Nux » Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:51 am


I've found the Renesis Player installer here:
http://www.tehkseven.net/forum/Svg-Thum ... 19213.html
(MD5 sum for Renesis_SvgBrowser.zip is: f717e42478bd8d93f40267126b925c82)

I just installed it on Windows 7 and so far it works great :-). Just remember to right click on installers and select "Run as administrator...".

Also note that you should probably clear thumbnails cache after installation. You can do this with Disk Cleanup tool. You can also find some instructions (for Windows 7) here:
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/For ... 25ec9e31da

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby brynn » Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:43 pm

Hi Nux,
Do you know if this is comes from the owner of the software? ie - it IS copyrighted, and we so far have not found the owner (well, we know who it is, but so far have not been able to contact). I do think we are at the end of our quest though, and if it's not successful, I'm inclined to offer my personal file privately (rather than publicly on the forum). But we should know within a week or so....

Just trying to respect the guy's copyright :D

PS - for me, it doesn't work as well on Win7, as on WinXP. Based on the reponse to my support request (now over a year ago) a new upgrade/update/version (whatever, I can't remember) was imminent.....thus my concern....

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Aladin3 » Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:16 am

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Re: .SVG Thumbnails in XP

Postby Aladin3 » Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:28 am

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