Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

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Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby Cale » Tue May 06, 2008 4:13 am

Is there a simple scissor/knife/cut tool in Inkscape?

Let's say I have a simple line with two nodes:


I want to cut it into two pieces:


In other vector programs, there's a scissor/knife tool for this. You just draw a line over the path you want and it's cut into two pieces. I couldn't find something similar in version 0.46, is there such a function?

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby heathenx » Tue May 06, 2008 4:53 am

After making a line ( :tool_pen: ) select it with the node tool.
Hold shift key down while you select both end nodes.
Now click the "+" node icon to add a node in the center of your line.
Select only the middle node then select the "break path at selected nodes" icon.
Path>Break Apart to convert to two objects.

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby sas » Tue May 06, 2008 5:06 am

heathenx wrote:Hold shift key down while you select both end nodes. Now click the "+" node icon to add a node in the center of your line.

Or just double-click at the place where you want a new node.

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby microUgly » Tue May 06, 2008 9:34 am

A knife tool would be a good tool to include in future versions of Inkscape to make these sorts of things that little bit more intuitive.


Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby Cale » Tue May 06, 2008 9:50 pm

heathenx wrote:Now click the "+" node icon to add a node in the center of your line.

Ok, my straight line example was a bit bad. What if I have a more complex shape/path and have to cut it somewhere else than in the middle?

Adding a node that appears in the middle of a path, then moving it is not an option, as my shape would most probably get deformed because I can't replace the node at the exact position.

sas: double-clicking doesn't do anything in my Windows 0.46 version?

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby heathenx » Tue May 06, 2008 9:58 pm

...Then highlighting your path ( :tool_selector: ), selecting the node tool ( :tool_node: ), and double clicking on the path that is nearest to where you want to break it is probably what yo want to do.

I use Linux and Windows versions and this functionality works the same way on both. As far as I know there are no bugs in this behavior for version 0.46.

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby kelan » Tue May 06, 2008 11:02 pm

If you're using the node tool :tool_node: and double-clicking doesn't work to add a node, you can also Ctrl-Alt-click (while using the node tool) on the path where you want the new node. Either way, the new node will be selected, and then you can press Shift-B to immediately break the path there.

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby graffoo » Wed May 14, 2008 9:32 pm

there is a new tool called eraser in developer snaphots. it can erase whole objects just by touching them, or (in the second mode) it can erase parts of objects just like any other eraser tool known from other programs. this way it can also be used as a knife tool in certain situations.
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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby heathenx » Wed May 14, 2008 10:12 pm

Yup, I am interested in some of the new developments that the devs are working on too (eraser tool, spiro splines, grouped live paths). I am compiling from svn right at this very moment. Of course, I have never been successful compiling Inkscape under Linux so this time I am trying Windows ( :shock: ) but I guess I'll see how far I get with it.

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby graffoo » Wed May 14, 2008 11:16 pm

well, I just simply download development version from inkscape website :)
spiro splines are great, but that's OT :)
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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby heathenx » Thu May 15, 2008 12:06 am

yeah, i usually do that too but i have a hankerin' for compiling. once i figure that out then i'm running for president of the galaxy because i'll be all knowing... :lol:

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby microUgly » Thu May 15, 2008 9:36 am

Argh! I haven't had a PC for months due to repeatedly faulty motherboards. I so desperately want to try these new features :)

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby heathenx » Thu May 15, 2008 11:58 am


You must be going through Hell.


Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby Onur » Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:41 pm

You can create a rectangle on top of the design and convert it into path. Then select both paths and go to path tab and interesection.

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Re: Scissor/knife tool in Inkscape?

Postby grasshoper » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:42 pm

Onur wrote:You can create a rectangle on top of the design and convert it into path. Then select both paths and go to path tab and interesection.

I think that could be excited.

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