Windows 10 scroll/pan gesture not working

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Windows 10 scroll/pan gesture not working

Postby robertbaruch » Wed May 03, 2017 6:40 am

I have two monitors: my main laptop screen, and a Wacom 27QHD touch. I'm using Inkscape v0.92.1 (r15371).

The Wacom monitor has multi-touch. I can zoom the document using the two-finger pinch/stretch gesture, but the two-finger pan/scroll gesture does not do anything. I can click the middle button of my mouse and move it around, and that pans & scrolls, but I'd really like the gesture to work.

Any settings that I can check on?

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Re: Windows 10 scroll/pan gesture not working

Postby Moini » Thu May 04, 2017 7:38 am

Nope, I don't think there's much that can be done atm. But: there was some discussion about this recently on the development mailing list where someone was working on it. More info here: ... /35800849/
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