[solved] Retreiving Fonts Used....
[solved] Retreiving Fonts Used....
So I have a graphics business, and every proof I make I save for future use. Well I saved a document as a .svg and a .pdf - I open the .svg file today because he wants the same design but with a different number.
So I click the A button for text since I did not remember which font I used.........I try to hover over the object and it never does, I double click on it and I just get a blinking cursor........so now, I have no idea what font I used for this object previously. Sometimes I am able to edit the font even after I have saved and closed out of Inkscape, but most of the times I can not. Now I have to go through my thousands of fonts 1 at a time to get the correct one.
Is there any way around this? Any information would be appreciated. Thank You.
So I click the A button for text since I did not remember which font I used.........I try to hover over the object and it never does, I double click on it and I just get a blinking cursor........so now, I have no idea what font I used for this object previously. Sometimes I am able to edit the font even after I have saved and closed out of Inkscape, but most of the times I can not. Now I have to go through my thousands of fonts 1 at a time to get the correct one.
Is there any way around this? Any information would be appreciated. Thank You.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
I don't know if it works in all viewers, but perhaps open the pdf and then read its properties. At least the pdf viewer I have(Evince), shows fonts used in an OpenOffice pdf. Not sure what OS you are in. If anything, perhaps I could try and get the font name for you.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Using XP Pro.........I use Adobe....I will try that.
Any other ideas? This is real frustrating..........
Any other ideas? This is real frustrating..........
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Opened it in Adobe Professional - and I clicked properties and clicked on the Fonts used in this object and window is blank.......
Need help - thank you.
Need help - thank you.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
You could open the SVG file in a text editor and search for all occurrences of "font-family" (without the quotes).
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
I opened the .svg in Word, and clicked on Attributes for each path (the number is layered) and each time it just gives me the Text ID, which different each time despite the actual font being the same thing.
I do not understand why sometimes I can open a file in Inkscape, hit the A button for text, and a box will surround the layers, which I can double click and edit. Now when I need that function to work, it does not.............I move each layer and hit the A button to see if I can go into that layer and edit the text to no avail. I ran through about half of my fonts last night and could not reproduce the same font.
Please, any more help on this? I really appreciate it.
I do not understand why sometimes I can open a file in Inkscape, hit the A button for text, and a box will surround the layers, which I can double click and edit. Now when I need that function to work, it does not.............I move each layer and hit the A button to see if I can go into that layer and edit the text to no avail. I ran through about half of my fonts last night and could not reproduce the same font.
Please, any more help on this? I really appreciate it.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
engs0062 wrote:I opened the .svg in Word, and clicked on Attributes for each path (the number is layered) and each time it just gives me the Text ID, which different each time despite the actual font being the same thing.
If you were trying to follow my suggestion, please note that Word is not a text editor, it's a word processor. If you haven't got a decent text editor, Notepad will probably suffice. (If you must use Word, then you will need to force it to open the SVG file as plain text.)
I do not understand why sometimes I can open a file in Inkscape, hit the A button for text, and a box will surround the layers, which I can double click and edit. Now when I need that function to work, it does not.............I move each layer and hit the A button to see if I can go into that layer and edit the text to no avail. I ran through about half of my fonts last night and could not reproduce the same font.
Using the text tool (the "A button") you should be able to Ctrl+click in the text and then read the font name from the toolbar (or from the Text and Font dialog, if you open that up).
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Are you sure you haven't converted your text to paths? When you select the object with the selector tool you'll be able to check if your object is text or path in the statusbar.
If your object is text you should see a border around it when you hover over it with Text tool, and when you click while that border is visible you'll be able to edit it as text.
You can also select the object with the selector tool and go to Text > Text and Font menu and change it there.
If your object is text you should see a border around it when you hover over it with Text tool, and when you click while that border is visible you'll be able to edit it as text.
You can also select the object with the selector tool and go to Text > Text and Font menu and change it there.
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Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
sas wrote:If you were trying to follow my suggestion, please note that Word is not a text editor, it's a word processor. If you haven't got a decent text editor, Notepad will probably suffice. (If you must use Word, then you will need to force it to open the SVG file as plain text.)
I realize Word is a "word processor," it could always be identified as a text editor as well. I did use Notepad after that and I think I found the font - however, now when I finally realize a possible font, I open inkskape and I am unable to change the font. After months of using this program and changing fonts thousands of times, the instance where I really need to it does not work for some reason. Wow, bit frustrating.Using the text tool (the "A button") you should be able to Ctrl+click in the text and then read the font name from the toolbar (or from the Text and Font dialog, if you open that up).
When I click the A button, and Ctrl+click my object - the dimensions come up, but the font toolbar is not on the screen.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
I clicked the object and had to go up and click Text and Font to change it - but the only font name that came up in Notepad is not the correct font used.
"You can also select the object with the selector tool and go to Text > Text and Font menu and change it there."
Currently that is the only way I can change a font - but when the box opens, it is automatically set on the default font, not the font that is currently being attributed to the selected object..............?
"You can also select the object with the selector tool and go to Text > Text and Font menu and change it there."
Currently that is the only way I can change a font - but when the box opens, it is automatically set on the default font, not the font that is currently being attributed to the selected object..............?
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
What is the version of Inkscape you are using? Can you upload the SVG so we can examine it?
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
I just downloaded the latest version that just came out hoping it would correct the problem - to no avail.
I know what font the name above and below are, but I can not remember the font I used for the number 37........and all 4 layers when I go over them with the A tool, it does not put the box around it to edit it, so I have no idea what font I used.
Here is the file:
Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.
I know what font the name above and below are, but I can not remember the font I used for the number 37........and all 4 layers when I go over them with the A tool, it does not put the box around it to edit it, so I have no idea what font I used.
Here is the file:
Thanks for your time, I appreciate it.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Ok, well, all the text used in the drawing has been coverted to paths, which means there no way to tell what font it is from the SVG. This is something you've manually done--it doesn't happen automatically. So keep in mind that if you ever need to edit text in your drawings, don't use the Object to Path function on them.
Perhaps someone here will recognise the font. If not, I've heard of a website where you can upload images and it'll identify the font for you...but as usual I have no idea what the URL is. Try doing a Google search.
EDIT: Here it is - http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
Perhaps someone here will recognise the font. If not, I've heard of a website where you can upload images and it'll identify the font for you...
EDIT: Here it is - http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
How does each object get converted to a path if I do not directly click to do so? Just curious. I just click the A tool, drag it to the size I want, pick a font and type. Then I will copy and past the object, outset it, etc. and that is it?
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Heres the link where you can try to get a font-family from a bitmap http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ but anyone interested in this should probably bookmark this: http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=362151
As others have noted the text in your file is no longer text, it was converted to paths. But I could still see the font-family attribute for those objects (I saw it in XML editor.) I guess Inkscape keeps that info even after you convert the text to path. Anyway the font I read from there is Woodcut-Cracked, and its the same for the text and the number 37.
The conversion from text to paths happens ether through the Object to Path command or by using some options that will automatically convert it before they are executed, I think offsets fall under that category.
As others have noted the text in your file is no longer text, it was converted to paths. But I could still see the font-family attribute for those objects (I saw it in XML editor.) I guess Inkscape keeps that info even after you convert the text to path. Anyway the font I read from there is Woodcut-Cracked, and its the same for the text and the number 37.
The conversion from text to paths happens ether through the Object to Path command or by using some options that will automatically convert it before they are executed, I think offsets fall under that category.
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Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
See I saw Woodcut-Cracked when I looked at the .svg in Notepad, and that is definately not the correct font.
Well Offset is something I do a lot of to make outline layers for my graphics. Which explains why sometimes I can edit the text and sometimes not (I remember going to the original object and could edit that, but not the offset copies). However, the original 37, the gray lowest layer one I still can not edit (although the original 37, it was offset so that is probably why). On top of that, why wouldn't the red top layer 37 be able to edit? Because it is a copy of the original even though offset was not applied?
This font is still killing me here.........I saw Woodcut-Cracked and I was like no way, and sure enough, not even close.......
Well Offset is something I do a lot of to make outline layers for my graphics. Which explains why sometimes I can edit the text and sometimes not (I remember going to the original object and could edit that, but not the offset copies). However, the original 37, the gray lowest layer one I still can not edit (although the original 37, it was offset so that is probably why). On top of that, why wouldn't the red top layer 37 be able to edit? Because it is a copy of the original even though offset was not applied?
This font is still killing me here.........I saw Woodcut-Cracked and I was like no way, and sure enough, not even close.......
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
if you have the font installed on your machine, try going through them all?
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Well, that is what I will have to do - all 5,000 plus.........I have a vinyl graphics business so I have purchased quite a few font cds. 

Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
Off topic:
engs0062 wrote:Well, that is what I will have to do - all 5,000 plus.
Whoah! If you're on Windows, the number of fonts you have installed is one of the biggest causes for your PC to run slower. If you don't already know, you can get font managers that allow you to load fonts as you require them. FontFrenzy is one i've used but it doesn't appear to have been updated for a while.
Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
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Re: Retreiving Fonts Used....
I know the lettering is Scratch font, I use it a lot. But the number I still can not figure out...........
moderator edit:
current versions store the text properties even after converted to path; open the xml editor (Shift+Ctrl+X) and look up the corresponding part.
moderator edit:
current versions store the text properties even after converted to path; open the xml editor (Shift+Ctrl+X) and look up the corresponding part.