I was making a tutorial video about INK and I had 2 windows open, so I closed one so that the doubling problem won't come up in the tutorial. Well half way through it doubled when I grouped.
Looks like that maybe if you had 2 windows open and close one, it can still happen.
https://youtu.be/zuFBi8EgfF0?t=11m16sNow it's in my video forever.
Another phenomenon is
Open INK and open XML edit, and close it - you want both to auto open next restart -.
Open INK - XML should be open -, and move XML box so you will notice the difference of another one -
Open another new - it's XML should be open -.
Now close the new one, and there is 2 XML boxes still on screen.
It also still has a grid fault. It happened twice in this video.