Move gradiant with object?
Move gradiant with object?
Can you make a gradient move with the object if you shift it or size it?
Re: Move gradiant with object?
Yes! Engage the Selection tool, and look at the far right of the tool control bar. There are 4 similar looking buttons, and that is one of them. Mouseover will display a tool tip with something like 'move or transform gradients'.
To me, it should move by default. I'm not even sure why one wouldn't want the gradient to move with it's object?
To me, it should move by default. I'm not even sure why one wouldn't want the gradient to move with it's object?
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Re: Move gradiant with object?
You are my hero!
Re: Move gradiant with object?
You are too kind
But you're welcome

But you're welcome

Basics - Help menu > Tutorials
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design