Inkscape and DRAWings EmbroideryEffect

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Inkscape and DRAWings EmbroideryEffect

Postby gueststar » Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:39 am

Hi there, I was wondering id anyone can help or has used this program before.

I have created a design that which to have am embroidered effect to it and have the DRAWings Embroidery Effect program. However, anything I create in Inkscape fails to import into it and I dont know why. GIMP picks up my vectors but not this for some reason. It is as if theyre not there, as when I preview my designs through that program it is just a blank screen. Should I be doinf something to my designs before i save them, like flattening them or something? New to designing vectors so am assuming that simply saving as a file type is enough for othe rprograms to fins it but not sure.

Thank you for your help people.

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Re: Inkscape and DRAWings EmbroideryEffect

Postby brynn » Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:15 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

I'm not familiar with that program, but it looks pretty cool. I might have to check out the trial version!

After a quick search, I was reading about the features at their website. It says the program accepts both vector and raster (bitmap) images. So maybe you could just use Inkscape's File menu > Export Bitmap, to get a PNG version of your image. Then import the PNG.

If there's some reason why you want or need to use SVG, you could try saving as Plain SVG, rather than Inkscape SVG. Or maybe Optimized SVG?

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