My MLP fan-art.

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My MLP fan-art.

Postby pozdn9k » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:37 am

I hope it's ok to post those here)
The first one is a trace from one of the show's frame. Everything else is done from scratch.

Everything's done in Inkscape with slight touch-ups in Photoshop for better colors.
Currently I'm in search for other interesting visual styles, so I could make more interesting things and come up with my own style...

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Re: My MLP fan-art.

Postby brynn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:53 am

I'm not familiar with MLP, but I went to your dA account to look at these in the full size. There I found some other images. It doesn't say if they were done with Inkscape, but I quite like those symbolic images on black backgrounds. As for finding your own style....well, I'm still trying to find my own style, and I'm 32 years since college, lol. Although in all fairness, I'm not sure whether to call myself an artist -- more of a hobbyist. But I can say, that the more I draw, the closer I get to understanding my style. Eventually, you'll start to realize that you enjoy certain things more than others. :D

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