creating a curly brace

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creating a curly brace

Postby jocaps » Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:36 pm


I want to create a curly brace the way one does in OpenOffice Draw, is it possible to do this? If not, is there a workaround.. maybe somewhere in Effects? Thanks

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Re: creating a curly brace

Postby brynn » Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:47 am

I've not used OpenOffice -- what's a "curly brace"?

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Re: creating a curly brace

Postby jocaps » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:14 pm

brynn wrote:I've not used OpenOffice -- what's a "curly brace"?

My workaround now is to export the openoffice curly brace into svg and then import the svg into inkscape.
Some pictures could explain :)


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Re: creating a curly brace

Postby brynn » Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:09 pm

OOohhh! I guess there may be some translation, or language preference. I'm not really sure what I call it, to be honest! It's just the other kind of parenthesis to me. But curly bracket might have got me on the right track.

So it looks like in Open Office, you basically just click on the button or icon. No such button or icon exists in Inkscape, to my knowledge. What might be the problem in using the Text tool, typing it, and then Object to Path? Then you have the benefit of many slightly different versions, depending on the font that you type it with. Unless you don't want it to be a path, then skip Object to path.

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Re: creating a curly brace

Postby jocaps » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:14 am

I dont mind text to path.. but the problem is when you convert a curly brace to path and you scale it you get thick fills, you don't really get a one-dimensional curve but 2dimensional surfaces, so after scaling you get really thick braces that arent really good. So that's why I use openoffice export to svg and import the svg into inkscape. I saved this svg so anything I need a curly brace, I can import it.

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Re: creating a curly brace

Postby Kyl0r » Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:19 am

I know this is an old post.. just stumbled over it after googling for the same question. Converting a text brace to a path did the trick for me. Note that you can edit the path: remove the points on one side of the brace. This gives you an awkward looking shape, because the endpoints of the brace are still connected and the area in between is filled. Now, select the endpoints and click on the icon where it says something like "break path between vertices". Tada! A nice path looking like a curly brace..

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Re: creating a curly brace

Postby nabhagat » Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:33 am

Alternately, you can download this SVG file ( with different types of braces. Import the file into your document. Then select 'Ungroup'. Then use the type of braces you require.

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