Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

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Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

Postby JulieB » Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:15 am

Hello All,

I am very new to Inkscape. I am very new to vector based drawing programs for that matter.

I am looking for a way to create single line fonts from true type fonts for use in my engraving software. Since I can import EPS files and HPGL files into the engraving software I think that this might be just the program I have been searching for. Wondering if someone can tell me if this can be accomplished and if so point me in the generally direction of how to go about it?

Thanks so much!!! -Julie

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Re: Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

Postby erroneus » Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:35 am

Single line? I can only assume you mean that a given shape is not "closed." You can type in whatever you like using that tool, then convert the characters to paths. You will want to turn off the fill on all of those objects. From there you can edit the paths. But if you mean single line in the sense of a pen or pencil drawing, then I would say there is no way to do that and you would simply have to create them yourself. I think it would not be that hard as all you would need to do is trace existing characters in the most visually pleasing way possible. Learning to use the path tools will be required either way.

If you wouldn't mind, try uploading an image that might serve as an example.

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Re: Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

Postby JulieB » Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:21 am

Hi, Sorry it took me so long to respond. I thought I would get some kind of notification to my email if anyone posted. At any rate, thanks for your feedback. After doing more homework what I need is true single line font (yes not closed) in a post script format. I want to do a handwriting font to complicate matters. I think your idea of hand tracing them all might be the way to go. Once I have all the characters though I'm assuming I would have to compile them all in font creation software like font lab or type tool to create the font with kerning? Do you have any suggestions for doing this? I am really way out of my element here but am determined to solve this problem! Thanks! -Julie

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Re: Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

Postby prkos » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:11 am

Off topic:
JulieB wrote:Hi, Sorry it took me so long to respond. I thought I would get some kind of notification to my email if anyone posted.
There's an option in your forum profile to make the notifications on by default.
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Re: Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

Postby erroneus » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:20 am

Fontforge is free/open source software. I don't know anything about postscript fonts but I'm sure it supports them just fine. Fonts can be tedious but if you have the time, there you go... I like doing that kind of stuff while watching TV or the like... actually helps keep my mind off of other stressful things if such things are going on in life at the time.

I wonder if the objects you trace here can be copied and pasted into Fontforge? If so, that would be absolutely perfect. I enjoy tracing in Inkscape and not so much in Gimp or others.

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Re: Want to convert TrueType to single line fonts?

Postby prkos » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:26 am

This might be relevant to your interests http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php ... ts_support :)
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