Edge3d correct or not

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Edge3d correct or not

Postby Wed » Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:25 am

I am quite fond of the extension Edge 3D. But I think I have either more to learn. Or it isn't working properly.

With the same settings, the result varies. Is this known, or sholud it be reported?
Bent and straight area has different angle of shade
edge3d_issue.png (197.07 KiB) Viewed 1645 times

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby brynn » Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:42 pm

Did you use the exact same settings on the green straight piece and the green curved piece?

I've just tested on only straight rectangles, and don't see any variation. I don't see why straight vs curved should have any effect. But I'll try to make some curved edges to test with.

It looks like there's some distortion (in the color, not in the paths) around the corner area of the curve piece though. The illumination of course can only happen in a straight line, so maybe that's having some kind of effect on the coloring of the curved piece?

I'll try making some curved objects to test.

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby brynn » Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:00 pm

Ok, I made some curved pieces, something like yours. But I'm not seeing any variation.

I do notice one thing that's curious, that will maybe shed some light for you. On your straight piece, the shadow is on the top. But on the curved piece, the shadow is on the bottom. Realistically that couldn't happen.

I'm not sure how, if you're using the exact same settings each time, how the shadow moved like that. But I don't know exactly how you made your drawing -- maybe it's something in your workflow?

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby Wed » Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:04 pm

The angle of illumination is exactly my issue. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear.

Yes, the settings was not changed. In fact, I also tried to treat all objects one the same go. See the middle red ones.
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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby Lazur » Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:33 pm

Just a guess, maybe the paths are drawn that way?

-If black stroked paths with no fill are combined/grouped together to build up the outlines, maybe on that two part there are double segments.

(On a side note, in my humble opinion by editing the filter's settings, changing the colours from black and white, you can get more pleasant looking results.)

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby Wed » Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:45 pm

The objects were made as strokes. Then enhanced the stroke width and made it an object. Afterwards, I just duplicated them.

As a technical / informative illustration, pleasantness is subordinate. But I may tinker a bit once it becomes worthwhile. I'm not putting too many hours into it unless it turns out well.

A rhombic object were made in an intersection and duplicated. It was then used as a difference to cut up the objects in order to "put things on top of other things" (Monty Python).

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby brynn » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:05 am

Well now I do see some odd behavior (attached)

1 - create 1st rectangle
2 - duplicate
3 - move, snap to side of first
4 - duplicate 2nd
5 - move, snap to side of 2nd
6 - select all, path menu > combine
7 - duplicate
8 - rotate
9 - duplicate
10 - roatate
11 - select all
12 - path menu > break apart

Now, when I select any 1 rectangle, and apply Edge Detect 3D, with settings in the 1st screenshot, the effect is applied to 2 rectangles. This may or may not have to do with the original issue. But it does seem strange to me.
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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby Wed » Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:10 am

Many thanks for that. It feels reassuring that I'm not alone. I've been thinking of ways to trick inky to do my bidding. So far, no luck.

I also noticed that at times, it is difficult to work on only one object. Not immediately related, but still. Try to make a bent rectangle ...

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby Lazur » Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:04 pm

Out of curiosity, you could reproduce the look by using gradients only, why to force it on filters?

(The bent parts can be split to two paths, one with a radial, and one with a linear gradient.)

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Re: Edge3d correct or not

Postby brynn » Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:37 pm

Ok, I solved the problem I mentioned above. But now I see something else.

Apply the extension to one of the rectangles, then deselect. Now if you place the mouse over the middle of the rectangle, you can select the original 4 node path. But select over the black edge, it's a group of 1, clipped!

That's odd, because of the location of the exention in the Modify Path category. It does not modify the path at all. It creates some new content. so maybe it should be in the Render category??

Also, it's seems to be a little more like a filter, than extension....to me anyway.

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