Snapping stroke's border.

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Snapping stroke's border.

Postby fenixproductions » Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:41 am

Hi all.

Is it possible to set Inkscape to snap object with stroke but with stroke threated as border?

I am sorry if this question is not clear. I hope attached image will help.

Top rectangle shows how normal object is snapping. It's borders prone to stick to guideline. Bottom one illustrates snapping with stroke (4px) and as you can see, whole object comes out 2px left of guide. It's not desirable.

The way I'd like to have it is to get bottom rectangle to stick like upper one, so snapping border shoul be the dark-grey (not red). If it's still unclear then try to imagine bottom object shifted 2px right ;)
snap.png (1.45 KiB) Viewed 1881 times

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Re: Snapping stroke's border.

Postby EarlyBlake » Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:44 am

You could try snapping the bounding box corns.

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Re: Snapping stroke's border.

Postby fenixproductions » Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:52 am

EarlyBlake wrote:You could try snapping the bounding box corns.

Thanks, that worked!

BTW Are there any plans to extend "Object to guides" option?

Three possible values come to my mind, of course:
- current (described) mode - guides created according to the middle of stroke,
- internal - according to red area,
- external (bounding box corns?) - according to stroke's borders.

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Re: Snapping stroke's border.

Postby prkos » Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:36 pm

You can use the Stroke to Path option and make guides from that object, this way you get the inner and outer border guides.
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Re: Snapping stroke's border.

Postby fenixproductions » Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:04 am

prkos wrote:You can use the Stroke to Path option and make guides from that object, this way you get the inner and outer border guides.

Thank you for your answer but I've already used that method. Sometimes I was even creating two rectangles: one for acting as inner object and second for border.

I thought it could be simplified.

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