brynn wrote:I'm confused when you said
as usual this is no bitmap effect only svg filter
I thought Inkscape filters are raster content in the SVG file.
Finally all the content will be rendered as a dot matrix (either on a screen or as a dot of ink on a paper) so at the very end everything will be "rasterized".
But what matters is the quality of input and how it performs when you zoom at it.
With raster content (jpeg/png) when you zoom at it it tends to degrade (becoming blocky or blurry depending of your interpolation algorithm).
The only way to preserve the quality would be to take a new photo with a better definition (with the notable exception of CSI where they can zoom in x100 with no degradation

On the other side, some content is defined using Maths (primitives and/or algorithm) and this content can be zoomed at will.
I wanted to stress that my effect was not done using a plugin that process bitmap input (like in Extensions/Bitmap/*) but only using native filter operations.
But your question about filters make sense coz they're kind of mixcase between vector and bitmap operations.
If your input is a vector (eg triangle) and you apply a filter that just offsets it, then the output is still a vector. If you want to make your image 1000x bigger you just need to multiply shape dimension and offsets x1000.
But some filters operation need the input to be bitmapped first (eg displacement map, convolution).