I am trying to use my Wacom tablet in conjunction with the calligraphic pen.
At first I could draw with the tablet without pressure sensitivity.
In order to activate pressure-sensitivity I set the input devices to screen mode.
Then I could not draw at all with the Wacom Stylus. However drawing with the mouse is no problem.
What am i doing wrong?
problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
Your answer may be within one of the many tablet/Wacom issues already discussed. If you can't find the answer in the topics below, just reply again with any additional relevant details 

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Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
When I launch Inkscape with mouse and tablet plugged in, I can not draw with the tablet.
The settings at input devices are as follows: Core pointer, WACOM Tablet, WACOM Tablet Pressure Stylus: Screen
WACOM Tablet Eraser: Inactive.
When I launch Inkscape with mouse and without tablet plugged in, I can draw with the tablet.
However without pressure-sensitivity.
The settings at input devices in this case are as follows: Core Pointer: Screen
WACOM Tablet, WACOM Tablet Pressure Stylus and WACOM Tablet Eraser are not mentioned.
What must I do in order to get pressure-sensitivity?
The settings at input devices are as follows: Core pointer, WACOM Tablet, WACOM Tablet Pressure Stylus: Screen
WACOM Tablet Eraser: Inactive.
When I launch Inkscape with mouse and without tablet plugged in, I can draw with the tablet.
However without pressure-sensitivity.
The settings at input devices in this case are as follows: Core Pointer: Screen
WACOM Tablet, WACOM Tablet Pressure Stylus and WACOM Tablet Eraser are not mentioned.
What must I do in order to get pressure-sensitivity?
Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
This topic:
viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;"postlink-local" href="http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;">viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;"postlink-local" href="http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;">viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;"postlink" href="https://launchpad.net/inkscape">https://launchpad.net/inkscape. I would be surprised if none exist, but if not, please feel free to request/report feature request for pressure sensitivity support. If it's reported to have been "fixed", then you could use the dev build, and not have to wait for next stable release.
viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;"postlink-local" href="http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;">viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;"postlink-local" href="http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;">viewtopic.php" onclick="readonly();return false;"postlink" href="https://launchpad.net/inkscape">https://launchpad.net/inkscape. I would be surprised if none exist, but if not, please feel free to request/report feature request for pressure sensitivity support. If it's reported to have been "fixed", then you could use the dev build, and not have to wait for next stable release.
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Inkscape for Cutting Design
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
In the Inkscape preferences I have unchecked: use pressure sensitive device in the Inkscape preferences.
So now my tablet always works, be it without pressure-sensitiviy. Still no fix found.
The forum threads are not about pressure-sensitivity as far as I understand, but rather can I draw with my tablet or can't I.
So now my tablet always works, be it without pressure-sensitiviy. Still no fix found.
The forum threads are not about pressure-sensitivity as far as I understand, but rather can I draw with my tablet or can't I.
Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
Hi Antony. Your wacom tablet should work as a pressure sensitive device in IS 0.48. Please read this link http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=3054&p=25178#p25178
for my advice on how to get it to work.
for my advice on how to get it to work.
Your mind is what you think it is.
Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
druban wrote: Please read this link viewtopic.php?f=29&t=3054&p=25178#p25178 for my advice on how to get it to work.
3rd time this topic is referenced for you.
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Inkscape for Cutting Design
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Re: problem using pressure-sensitive tablet
Thanks brynn and druban! Problem solved!
I've edited the preferences.xml file. Now I do have pressure-sensitivity.
However the tablet has to be plugged-in while launching Inkscape.
I've edited the preferences.xml file. Now I do have pressure-sensitivity.
However the tablet has to be plugged-in while launching Inkscape.