An alternate Plastic Wrap with bubbles added...

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ivan louette
Posts: 215
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:08 am
Location: Belgium

An alternate Plastic Wrap with bubbles added...

Postby ivan louette » Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:58 am

While trying the Glass Effect I discovered some settings which produced little bubbles. And trying to add a Morphology primitive I saw that It was possible to make that darkness controls the bubbles and holes amount and location... Very surprizing and funny ! I am sure it will be able to replace the classic Photoshop plugin "Plastic Wrap".

In the file, the "plast" examples change with the bitmap darkness. If you go to the Color Matrix and change the left below entry from -8 to -4, the bubbles move to the lighter areas. Try also for example to invert from positive to negative the height in the Specular Lighting or Change morphology from Dilate to Contract (or "Shrink", I don't know which word is used in Inkscape English version...) Just think to move a little bit your picture after changing settings because there is a little bug in display redraw at the moment.


ivan louette
Posts: 215
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:08 am
Location: Belgium

Re: An alternate Plastic Wrap with bubbles added...

Postby ivan louette » Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:39 am

microUgly wrote:Those pixelated filters are super retro :ugeek:

He he ! And completely unexpected at the beginning !


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