I downloaded Inkscape yesterday and I think it's awesome. I've been looking at lodes of Screencasts and Tutorials. I found a video that makes a Dragon. The user makes the shading outside of the outline just disappear, is there a short cut key or something?
Here's the video, please help me. Run it on to the bit when he starts to add shading, then he has a left over bit that goes out of the outline of the head, he clicks it then does something and it cuts it self off.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRz5zRR- ... rofilepage
Shading question
Re: Shading question
Didn't watch the video (sorry, too busy putting kids to bed) but I'm sure it's either a clip or a mask (probably clip) used to trim the shading. Take the object that will be shaded, duplicate it. Select the duplicate and the shading and do Object->clip->set clip.
Re: Shading question
Okay, just actually watched the video. What you're calling shading is not what I expected. I assume you're referring to the bit at around 3:00 where he selects the top dragon and does something to it? What he appears to have done is duplicated his dragon and moved it to the top. Then duplicated that and selected all the paths of the duplicate and done a path->union. The unioned path is then moved to the back. He then appears to offset it a little horizontally and then do a dynamic offset (path->dynamic offset) to change the size. This provides a little illusion of depth because the horizontal offset provides a different thickness of the outline provided by the dynamic offset.
Re: Shading question
Thanks for replying.
Really sorry, I put the wrong video. Same uploader, different video.
Here's the correct one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6We68VSk ... re=related
I'm going to try your clip/mask technique now. Cheers.
Yeah, that's perfect, just what I wanted, cheers mate, thanks for your help.
Really sorry, I put the wrong video. Same uploader, different video.
Here's the correct one:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6We68VSk ... re=related
I'm going to try your clip/mask technique now. Cheers.
Yeah, that's perfect, just what I wanted, cheers mate, thanks for your help.