clip again using clipped object

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clip again using clipped object

Postby apcrcom » Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:24 pm

I am trying to clip an irregular rectangle shape from a bitmap image

I have made the irregular rectangle (in red) by combining a rectangle and a circle and then setting clip

So thats the shape I want to slice out of the bitmap

so far so good

the problem I cant seem to work out is that when I then take that shape and try to set a clip with it on the bitmap, it reverts to a plain rectangle (screenshot 2)

I guess Im misunderstanding the clip command, but I have played around with the interface trying to get it to cut out, and havent been able to nut this out.

Could someone tell me where I am getting it wrong?

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Re: clip again using clipped object

Postby brynn » Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:23 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Hi apcrcom,
First, I notice in your screenshots the gray checkerboard pattern that most raster graphics programs use to show transparency. (Inkscape does not use it, which is why it catches my attention.) I notice it in the first shot with the shape that is to become your clipping path, and in the 2nd I notice it on the Inkscape canvas. So I have some questions about it.

In your 2nd screenshot, is the checkerboard pattern actually the "bitmap image"? (By "bitmap image" do you mean raster, or BMP?) And that's what you want to clip with the red shape/clipping path?

If that's the case, then I'm really confused about the 1st screenshot. I don't see the red shape, only checkerboard. And only partly checkboard. From what I think I understand, it looks like you've done something wrong with drawing the clipping path/red shape. But I'm not sure I understand at all.

Normally when one imports a raster image or BMP, the checkerboard pattern (that other graphics programs use to indicate transparency) disappears, and one would only see a white background (that is still transparent). But depending on the program from which your "bitmap image" came, Inkscape might have actually imported the checkboard pattern as part of the image. If that's what has happened, that might explain why the clipping path in the first screenshot shows as the checkerboard, if you created the clipping path in the other program.

If you did create the clipping path in another program, try drawing it with Inkscape. To my knowledge, you can't use an imported image or path as a clipping path, unless it is first converted to SVG.

But I am greatly confused by the checkerboard pattern, so if you could clarify that, I'll be able to offer more concrete suggestions. Also, what format is the "bitmap image"? What program created it, or otherwise, where did it come from? I should be around all weekend. Or if anyone else understands already, please don't hesitate to reply :D

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Re: clip again using clipped object

Postby druban » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:26 am

Can't clip with a clipped object! Sorry! what you need to do is use the boolean ops to make the first rectangle circle combo into a regular path, not a clipped object, and then you can use this to clip with.

For example:
rect3142.png (8.86 KiB) Viewed 1263 times
Last edited by druban on Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: clip again using clipped object

Postby apcrcom » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:54 am

druban wrote:Can't clip with a clipped object! Sorry! what you need to do is use the boolean ops to make the first rectangle circle combo into a regular path, not a clipped object, and then you can use this to clip with.

For example:

Im an idiot :)


Thanks very much. Thats exactly what I needed to know :D

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