Snapping leaves slight gap

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Snapping leaves slight gap

Postby Sammo » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:16 am

Hi there, just a quick question really.

When I place a vertical guide by dragging from the the left hand side ruler, and create whatever shape I desire, I snap it to the guide.

Then if I want the same shape, symmetrical, placed on the other side of that guide, I'll duplicate the shape and drag it next to the original, but on the other side, and it snaps into place.

What problem arises thougn is that when the guide is removed and you zoom in and out of the document, you can clearly see a slither of a gap - possibly only one 'pixel' or so. This seems to show up when exported as a PNG also for example.

Is there a way of making sure that my shapes, when placed wither side of the guide as a symmetrical piece, stay 'flush' against one another?

Thanks in advance to who ever can answer and give me info. Cheers.

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Re: Snapping leaves slight gap

Postby RobA » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:15 am

Overlap them slightly.

This is a known rendering bug that also occurs with patterns.

-Rob A>

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Re: Snapping leaves slight gap

Postby brynn » Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:20 am

Or...would snapping the nodes, rather than the bounding box, avoid the gap?

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Re: Snapping leaves slight gap

Postby prkos » Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:05 am

Try snapping to the pixel grid, set the guides position to integers. There are some FAQ entries on about this ;)
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