Cocktail "menu card"

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Cocktail "menu card"

Postby Cyianor » Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:19 pm

Hey all!

I just registered in the forum and want to show you what my first experience with Inkscape was like (just downloaded it 5 hours ago).

One of my hobbies is mixing cocktails, so I thought it would be cool to have something like a menu people can look at and decide which cocktail they would like. So I thought it would be cool to have some graphics on there. I did some sketches by hand and decided that it would need some spicing it up and since I wanted to try creating vector art for quite a while now, the perfect moment to try it out had come.


I started out creating a cocktail glas with some cocktail-ish coloured "liquid" in it and a straw. The biggest challenge of it all was getting the glass to kind of look like glass. I didn't want to achieve a realistic look (and I guess I would have never been able to do that anyways.). I'm still not a hundred percent happy with it. Maybe some of you guys can give me some suggestions what I could do better on this one. What else to say... It's still missing ice cubes and an orange on the side. Well, just tell me what you think of it and I'm always happy to learn something new so don't hesitate giving me advice.

So long,

I also did some cranberries for practice which I want to put next to the "Sex on the Beach" since Cranberry Juice is vital for this one :)


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Re: Cocktail "menu card"

Postby Cyianor » Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:41 am

Added an orange to my project. The flesh of the orange was particularly hard to do and I'm still not quite happy with it... maybe somebody can give me some advice how to make this one a bit better. :)

Compositing: I've put together the three images I already have and made a little composition out of it. There's still something missing on the bottom right. I'm thinking of like a palm tree or something like that.

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Re: Cocktail "menu card"

Postby CarlCravens » Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:46 am

I'd soften those hard, black strokes... make them a shade of orange so they blend in, the way you did with your other work.

Re: Cocktail "menu card"

Postby » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:50 am

Cyianor wrote:Hey all!

I just registered in the forum and want to show you what my first experience with Inkscape was like (just downloaded it 5 hours ago).

One of my hobbies is mixing cocktails, so I thought it would be cool to have something like a menu people can look at and decide which cocktail they would like. So I thought it would be cool to have some graphics on there. I did some sketches by hand and decided that it would need some spicing it up and since I wanted to try creating vector art for quite a while now, the perfect moment to try it out had come.


I started out creating a cocktail glas with some cocktail-ish coloured "liquid" in it and a straw. The biggest challenge of it all was getting the glass to kind of look like glass. I didn't want to achieve a realistic look (and I guess I would have never been able to do that anyways.). I'm still not a hundred percent happy with it. Maybe some of you guys can give me some suggestions what I could do better on this one. What else to say... It's still missing ice cubes and an orange on the side. Well, just tell me what you think of it and I'm always happy to learn something new so don't hesitate giving me advice.

So long,

I also did some cranberries for practice which I want to put next to the "Sex on the Beach" since Cranberry Juice is vital for this one :)


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Re: Cocktail "menu card"

Postby Arwassa » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:01 pm

Hello, the orange will look more juicy if you make the flesh more detailed, dividing it into parts. This must say "eat me" ;)
And the border lines may be better in dark orange, not black.

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Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:41 am

Re: Cocktail "menu card"

Postby Thenomolitan » Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:15 am

and some nice texture details would be great

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