Create pdf_tex with inkscape from visio data?

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Create pdf_tex with inkscape from visio data?

Postby miraculix » Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:30 am

Hey there,
I already googled for hours but i couldn't find anything about this.
I am trying to use Inkscape to convert drawing that I produced in MS-Visio with the provided shapes in SVG-files to pdf_tex in order to use
the PDFs in Latex.

The import to Inkscape works fine so far and the drawings are illustrated like in Visio. However, when I try to export them as PDF the problem starts:
Appararently the export tool starts a new page for every single shape from visio. Thus I have e.g. three pages although the original drawing is on one page in Inkscape.

I donnot understand why. I assume that each single visio shape is a vector-graphic itself, but how can I merge them to make one big graphic that includes
all the others. I already tried to group them or to connect the paths but neither helped.

Is there anything I can do ?
Please, help. I need this for my thesis otherwise I would need to draw every single shape in Inkscape.


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Re: Create pdf_tex with inkscape from visio data?

Postby ragstian » Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:45 pm


Can we have one converted file to "play" with?

As svg files are plain text files you can open the SVG file in a text editor to look at the structure,
you might be able to find a "tag" of some sort which can explain the odd Inkscape behavior.

Try to "clean" the document - File - Clean up document.
You can also try to - Save as - optimized SVG as this will bring up
another dialog where you can "fine tune" what's going into the SVG file (and hence into the PDF later)
Having any "excess" removed before saving as PDF might help.

Good Luck
Good Luck!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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