This is the kind of problem that I would like to have resolved myself through some research but after a little while I still can't find the explanation for what I need.
Basically I have a rectangle that has been rotated so it's on it's side (around 30 degree angle lets say). I want to snap it back in place to be at perfect right angles with other objects around it. Whenever I hold down the Ctrl key when I rotate it skips over the 90 degree angle and never sits flat. Even when I originally have the the rectangle at 90, and use the ctrl key to rotate it, I still can't rotate it back to a 90 degree angle after I'm finished with it.
I also had a problem with copying and pasting a rectangle, where I try to rotate the rectangle back to 90 degrees, but even if I get it close the object has skewed itself and it's not even parallel to the other objects. Where does this skewing thing happen?
Re: Rotating
Hhmm, we might need a screenshot for the 2nd problem. For the 1st problem, do you have snapping enabled? Snapping is one way that you could get it back to horizontal, but if it's not set up properly, it could be trying to snap to the wrong thing.
When you rotated it away from horizontal in the first place, did you use Ctrl? Using Ctrl causes the rotation to go in a set number of degrees for each step. So if you've rotated it without Ctrl, it won't go back to the same horizontal position by using Ctrl. (Or it would be really a fluke if it did.) But if you did use Ctrl for the 1st rotation, and it did rotate properly (without snapping to the wrong thing) you'll be able to use Ctrl to get it back. ....Hhmmm....well, there are a few ways I could qualify that last statement, but let's not confuse the issue by bringing in a lot of unnecessary "what-ifs", unless we see they become important.
If you rotated it without Ctrl, you can set up snapping in a certain way, and get it snapped back to horizontal.
I'll need a screenshot of this skewing problem. I can't quite imagine what you're describing. Also, while you're at it, it might avoid a lot of guessing if you showed the 1st problem as well. Also please tell us which snap buttons are engaged.....well actually, I would only need to know the snap settings if I wanted to guess what's causing it not to rotate back properly (assuming that's actually the problem). I can tell you the proper settings without getting into why it's not working.
And I should say that I'm saying all of that based on what I can imagine about the info you've given. But it's fairly sketchy info, so I can't stand by it very strongly. However, I have no doubt that we can eventually solve the problem. It's just a matter of getting all the needed info. Screenshots would really help
When you rotated it away from horizontal in the first place, did you use Ctrl? Using Ctrl causes the rotation to go in a set number of degrees for each step. So if you've rotated it without Ctrl, it won't go back to the same horizontal position by using Ctrl. (Or it would be really a fluke if it did.) But if you did use Ctrl for the 1st rotation, and it did rotate properly (without snapping to the wrong thing) you'll be able to use Ctrl to get it back. ....Hhmmm....well, there are a few ways I could qualify that last statement, but let's not confuse the issue by bringing in a lot of unnecessary "what-ifs", unless we see they become important.
If you rotated it without Ctrl, you can set up snapping in a certain way, and get it snapped back to horizontal.
I'll need a screenshot of this skewing problem. I can't quite imagine what you're describing. Also, while you're at it, it might avoid a lot of guessing if you showed the 1st problem as well. Also please tell us which snap buttons are engaged.....well actually, I would only need to know the snap settings if I wanted to guess what's causing it not to rotate back properly (assuming that's actually the problem). I can tell you the proper settings without getting into why it's not working.
And I should say that I'm saying all of that based on what I can imagine about the info you've given. But it's fairly sketchy info, so I can't stand by it very strongly. However, I have no doubt that we can eventually solve the problem. It's just a matter of getting all the needed info. Screenshots would really help

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