Postby Baldskull » Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:20 pm
Question, I have an image in Inkspace (standard file tipe .svg) for the time being but I can't import this file type into AE, what file type can I save it as in Inkspace and import into AE, I have looked at 'Supported file types' in AE documentation but can't see one I can save and use from Inkspace to AE!!
Would really appreciate a response, I have spent ages on an image and now I can't animate it!![/quote]
I haven't used the Adobe, but what I think you would have to do is save the file as a ( .png )
1 - open the file you want to convert to .png
2 - click file
3 - save as
4 - name the file what you want
5 - next box down from that ( Save file type as) click on that
6 - select (.png)
7 - SAVE The to the location you want........DONE!
I'm not sure about this because I've never done it, In fact I just downloaded InkSkape a couple days ago...but so fare it is awesome!!
Hope this helps, let me know if it does.