Extensions help - position of object

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Extensions help - position of object

Postby lazygeorge » Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:11 am


Just started looking into writing an extension using .inx file and python file.
I want to do something very simple and was hoping somone could give me some pointers.

I am tring to stretch images to be transfered to a globe. I want to apply a stretch transform to objects that varies depending on their position on the canvas. For example, If an object is near the top of the canvas it stretches more than if it is near the bottom of the canvas. I know you can do something similar with tiled clones, but this won't be able to do what I want to do, as a globe uses more complex maths.

I know how the maths works, I'm just a bit stuck on the programming/coding. In python code, how would I access the x or y position of an object to use in the code?

Any help appreciated.

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