Libre Graphics World goes live

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Libre Graphics World goes live

Postby prokoudine » Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:07 pm

There is a new project called Libre Graphics World. We intend to solve a number of tasks with it:

— tracking new releases of free/libre graphics software
— tracking events like conferences, exhibitions, workshops etc. where tools like Inkscape, GIMP, Scribus and Blender are featured
— posting reviews, tutorials and interviews with developers and users of free/libre graphics software
— maintaining a database of software and web projects like heathenx's screencasts :)

There is still quite a lot of original content in queue to be translated from Russian into English (e.g. two new tutorials on Inkscape are coming), and weblinks/faq needs attention, but we already have quite a lot to start with :) So welcome :) — news and tutorials on free design software

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