I took a shot at anthropomorphizing two characters from Bleach -- Nnoitra and Kenpachi. All the characters in Bleach, (good guys and bad guys) dress in black and white. It's such a cliche, I want to take it to it's logical extreme and made them in to penguins.
How do their weapons and jewelry stay in place, you ask? Magic!
I'm not thrilled with the results but I'm sick of looking at it so it maybe near finished.
Edit: I threw in a quick and dirty back ground. The shadow on the ice is creeping me out for some reason. I think I'll blur it more.
On the really simple back drop, the waves took more time to make than all of the rest of it put together. I used tile clones, obviously. Title clones are no where near as intuitive, as they seem like would be. As soon as you throw in an scaling factor and an exponent, it gets tricky. I'm still not really sure what checking the Alternate and Cumulate boxes did, aside form get me closer to the distribution I was going for.
I'm going to recycle the back ground and use it in another cartoon.

Direct link to full size. http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/1686/fullviewsw8.jpg Imageshack makes me load the page multiple times before I can expand the thumbnail image. I'm not sure why. Image shake has been persnickety lately.