Touch selection with a selected path

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Touch selection with a selected path

Postby Gwenaël » Fri Jan 18, 2019 12:44 am

Hi all,

I appreciate the "Touch selection" feature but I miss a lot the possibility of having a touch selection based on a selected path (not a new request : see this old post : ... 72995.html ).

Before trying to program something in Python (my skills in this domain are quite limited), I wanted to understand the algorithms used in selection code. I didn't find an extension dealing with that and I don't even know how to get access to the inkscape code of a given feature.

Any help would be welcome !

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Re: Touch selection with a selected path

Postby Moini » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:47 am

Now that extensions keep the selection (I have no idea how the selected objects are determined, though), this could be possible with an extension (probably not, though).

I suspect you need to learn to program C++ if you want to add a feature like that.
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