[solved] Division on top of Division

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[solved] Division on top of Division

Postby smkoberg » Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:47 pm

Hey guys;

Lets say I'm creating an Image of, oh lets say a glazed Doughnut. Now, I've created the general outline and to achieve the hole in the center, I created a smaller circle shape and used the Path>Division command to cut out the center. No problems here. Now, since its a glazed doughnut, it has lots of specular highlights and in this particular image, one of the highlights on the inside of the doughnut needs to go all the way to the inner edge of said hole.


Imagine the highlight on the bottom left (7 o'clock ish) was going all the way to the center.

What would you suggest be the best approach to this problem.

(the "hole" in my image (secret: don't ask why) will be overlaying something behind it, if that helps/opens up to more options)


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Re: Division on top of Division

Postby microUgly » Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:03 pm

You want to create a donut shaped clip and draw all your colour/shadow/hilight in the clip. This is what I do with my colourings.

Working with clips is clumsy with Inkscape, so you'll want to get to learn the keyboard shortcuts so you can get in and out of the clip and select the objects you want to select.

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Re: Division on top of Division

Postby smkoberg » Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:36 pm

Here's what my thought process was with the situation:

1) Draw main "doughnut" outline: fill with basic glazed doughnut color.
2) Draw basic circle shape in the center, select both objects and do a Path>Difference to create the hole.
3) Trace highlight (from source image) to get the shape of the highlight, then select both objects (doughnut and highlight) and do Path>Division.

From what I was thinking, this would give me two objects: the "doughnut" shape and the highlight shape. From there I could add colors respectively to achieve the desired look.

This doesn't seem to work.

The thing I'm worried about is re-creating the inner edge of the highlight to match the edge of the "hole" so their is no over-lap into the empty space.
I haven't been formally introduced to the "clip" command, so I think tomorrow evening I should become acquainted. I'll check it out tomorrow and let y'all know if I figure it out.

Thanks again :-)

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Re: Division on top of Division

Postby microUgly » Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:07 pm

You could do it your way, but clips were invented to releave that sort of headache. Clip is definitely worth getting to know.


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