I know this is going to sound strange, but after I finished eating a bunch of grapes a while back, there was something about the leftover stem that appealed to me. I liked how it was balanced, and it had a piece of the vine still curling around it. And anyway, I thought it would be good practice to try and capture the angles, lighting and balance. Btw, it's lit from below, like one were holding it at arm's length and looking up at it. I think I got the lighting pretty good.
The part that I'm just not happy with is the lower clump of secondary stems on the left side of the main stem. In reality, it is the closest part to the viewer, but something seems off about it, and to me, it doesn't quite appear to be the closest part to the viewer.
Apart from that, I still have to clip away the blurs, before it's finished.

All comments appreciated, and especially any tips about improving it would be welcomed.