I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

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I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby TMC » Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:23 pm

Hi, I am new here and don't know if I am posting this in the correct place or not?
Anyway here's my problem: I have been working on a drawing for a laser cutter for over a month now and yesterday I was making some changes when Macaphee decided to do a scan of my computer.
The scan brought my computer to a crawl and locked everything up shutting down my compute.
As a result of this my computer wont open the drawing file? I can open other Inkscape drawing files but this one comes up with a blue box that said "Inkscape failed to open the file"?
Can anyone here help me retrieve this file ?
My computer shows the file is not empty, but it also shows it was modified yesterday and I haven't a clue why it wont open?
Can someone please help?
Last edited by brynn on Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby PatJr » Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:37 am

can you open it with like notepad or bluefish?

maybe you could post it up and someone could give it a go?

Pat Jr.

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:16 am

Wow that was quick !
I have tried to open it with everything I have, If I could get into it into a PDF or a DFX I would be good.
I will try to post it up here if I can figure out how to do it?

I have tried several time to upload it to this forum and it doesn't work, it acts like its uploading then the screen goes blank?
I will try to email it to myself to see if that will work? Then maybe if someone wants to try via email I will sent it to them?
Thanks you for any help Terry

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:46 am

Sorry I cant get it to load onto this forum, I can get it to email but it wont open/
I can get it to open in word and note pad programs but it's just numbers and letters?
Unless some one has a fix I'll just have to start over ? bummer !

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby PatJr » Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:35 am

maybe you could try this
open the file in notepad and save it with a different name? Could be worth a try.
Don't use any kind of word processor program, it might add a bunch of extra stuff to the file and that wont work for sure.

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby tjindy » Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:01 pm

Ha, several days ago got same problem. After windows crash, my inkscape file was unable to open again. I tried to recover via Notepadd++ (17 MB file and almost 50 000 lines of XML) searching what is missing.
I noticed that file is not completed - so tried to clean up the xml, close open brackets ("< >"), and nothing - the same problem. But i also tried to open this file with Mozilla Firefox - that piece of software shows me where is the problem - so opened again with notpead++, corrected lines and file is ok now. Of course, i missing some objects from file but most rest is ok.

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:23 pm

Thanks for the help, I can open the file in note pad but I don't have this Mozilla Firefox software.
I tried to compare the file that wont open to one that will open, there is just to much to comprehend.
Can I get this Mozilla Firefox on line ?
Thanks again TMC

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby PatJr » Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:42 pm

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:32 am

Thanks for the link, although I don't understand how a web browser can fix my problem ?
Also what if I don't like the new browser? is it easy to uninstall ?
Thanks for your help TMC

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby PatJr » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:29 am

I think all the web browser was used for was a diagnostic tool to find the problems in the file?

easy to un install firefox? I guess so, "yum erase firefox" (ala fedora) maybe? unless you are using windows, mac, debian, ubuntu, .... then I dunno. it should be fairly easy to remove if you install from your distros package manager.

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:01 am

Please excuse my PC ignorance, I'm not really into the mechanics of a PC so please be patent with me.
I downloaded the Firefox program.
Can someone tell me what I should do next ? I opened the Inkscape program that I had saved in note book with firefox and it looked the same to me ?
Maybe I should just open the sgv file with note pad and see ?
Problem is, I don't really know what I am looking for?

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:42 am

OK I poened the svg file with foxfire and got this :
" line 5355 column 17 "
"-------------------<^image " this was also in the message ?
is this what I am to look for ?
Is this what it looks like repaired ?
How do I find line 5355, column 17 ?
Thanks again for any help!

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby brynn » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:01 am

File uploads may not be allowed in this forum. But I'll move the topic to the Help forum, and you will at least be allowed to upload a file. Whether the file will upload is still another question, but at least you'll have a better chance :D

PS - Depending on what Inkscape version you were using, and your settings, Inkscape may have saved an automatic backup file. Look in the folder where you had the image saved, for a file of the same name, but with something like this appended: .2011_11_22_03_45_21.0.svg

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby TMC » Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:02 am

Thank you byrnn, the version is svg1.1 at least thats what it says when I go to help and click on the version box.
I still cant get it to load onto the site ?
I havent a clue where I would find line 5355, column 17 and what to do when I did find it ?
The notepad and word programs open the file up into a bunch of letters and numbers but there is so much of it I dont know where to start ?
I did see a repair pharse program on line, I may try that?

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Re: Please help I cant open a file ?

Postby brynn » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:39 pm

Hi Terry,
Well, no need to look up your version. If you have a file with a name that looks like what I posted above (it will be the same name as the original, with a bunch of numbers added to the end, something like what I posted above) and it should be right beside the original, or close to it, in the same folder, that means you have a backup file. And you could try opening that.

I don't know anything about repairing a file, and I would NOT recommend trying it (at least not until someone replies who knows how to instruct you). I think those recommendations from PatJr and tjindy, were mostly just to gather info to help with troubleshooting. It sounds like you may be able to use it later (per tjindy) but for now, the info you gathered indicates that the file may be corrupted. To my understanding, the fact that you are able to open it with Notepad is a good sign. I do recall another similar message several months back. I may or may not be able to find it. And if so, I'll post a link.

Meanwhile, if you don't mind, I'll edit your topic title, and hope to attract the attention of someone who may be able to help. But be sure and look for a backup file. That may be your best bet, if there is one.

By the way, how have you tried opening the file? Double-clicking in the file manager? Or opening inkscape first, and then File menu > Open? Or File menu > Open Recent? Or other? I don't think it matters, but I'm all about details and clarity :P

One last thing, just to be sure we're all on the same page, would you take a screenshot of the error message that Inkscape gives you when you try to open the file?

PS - If you decide to use that program to try and fix the file, be sure to try it on a COPY of the file, so that you don't lose it altogether, if things go south. Also, it's Thanksgiving holiday in U.S. so forum is a bit slow. Hang in there :D

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby TMC » Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:06 pm

Thanks brynn
I researched the version of Inkscape I am using and it's 0.47, I cant fins any back up file ?
I have tried every way I can think of to open this file, doubble click, click on "open", tryed to open in every program I can think of ?

Below is what comes on screen when I open the file in foxfire, I will also try to upload some pictures?

XML Parsing Error: unclosed token
Location: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/BUDframes.svg
Line Number 5355, Column 17: <image

when I right click and highlight blue the above I get a box that drops down with a find error box, when I click that I get what you see brlow?

<parsererror xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml">XML Parsing Error: unclosed token
Location: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/BUDframes.svg
Line Number 5355, Column 17:<sourcetext> &lt;image

Thanks for the help Terry
P1010003.JPG (117.2 KiB) Viewed 11024 times
P1010002.JPG (151.25 KiB) Viewed 11024 times

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby brynn » Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:54 pm

Hi Terry,
It may be helpful having those error messages from Firefox, later. But what i was asking for was the error that Inkscape gives you when you try and open it.

You can make a screenshot without using a camera. (also called screen capture, screen print, print screen, etc.) First try and open the file with Inkscape, then when the error message appears on the screen, press the Prnt Scrn key. This makes a copy of whatever's on the screen. Then open Paint, or any graphics editor....actually I'm not sure if you could do it with Inkscape. I always use a raster editor. (Paint is a simple graphics editor that comes with Windows.) Anyway, since you have the screen copied on the clipboard, you can just Paste into Paint or other graphics program, and there will be the image of whatever you had on the screen when you pressed the Prnt Scrn button. Then save it, and upload just like you did with the photo.

Or you could type the text of the message. I guess a lot of people would prefer doing a screenshot, than typing all the codes from error messages. But whatever works best for you :D

I'm still searching for that other message that I remember. Hang in there :D

Ok, I still didn't find the one I was thinking of, but I found another. If you can manage to get the file uploaded anywhere, someone who knows about XML can download it, find the problem (hopefully where Firefox says it is) and fix it. I'm sure after the holiday, someone who knows XML will reply.

Try uploading it here: http://www.imgh.us/index.php. They're the only host I know that accepts SVG files. But if it won't upload there, you could try some of the file sharing type of sites, like MediaFire. Actually the file-sharing might be the better option, but whatever works. In this topic are several places you could try: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=7.

And just to be clear, you can open other files with Inkscape, right? I just want to be sure the problem isn't a corrupt Inkscape program, rather than just one file.

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby TMC » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:25 am

OK, I tried to upload it to the "image site" and it wont, it loads so far then shuts down?
Here is the error message I get when I try to open the file.
Yes all my other files open with no problem.
The only way I could down load the file would be multiple copy and paste and hope I don't miss anything.
The file is to large to send or wont send because it wont open ?
I haven't a clue?
error message.JPG
error message.JPG (67.17 KiB) Viewed 10968 times

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:48 am

Rats, I was hoping you might be able to upload it somewhere. But I just realized that the image itself is not necessary for someone to look at the XML. The XML is what shows up when you open it in a text file (like Notepad). Unfortunately, I only have a very general grasp of XML, and really would be like you looking at -- no idea what to look for, and then what to do about it, if for example, the Firefox info was correct about the location of the problem.

The only thing I can suggest at this point, is to just wait for those who are knowledgeable about XML or fixing corrupt files to return after their holiday (or whenever they show up). Then they'll let you know what they need.

I did have kind of a wild idea, but I can't make it work. I was thinking since XML is actually the image in text form, that you could copy the XML from Notepad, and paste it into Inkscape's XML Editor. But I can't figure out how to paste it. The idea was that pasting the code into a new document, you might be able to see the image, and copy most of it into another new document. It was probably the part you were working on when the system crashed, that became corrupted. So I was thinking you could copy say 90% of it and go back to work. But as I said, I can't figure out how to paste the XML into the editor.

So try to be patient. I know it's frustrating. But to my understanding, I don't think the file is completely lost. I think there's probably a good chance it can be recovered.

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby ~suv » Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:36 am

brynn wrote:The only thing I can suggest at this point, is to just wait for those who are knowledgeable about XML or fixing corrupt files to return after their holiday (or whenever they show up). Then they'll let you know what they need.
The file itself - no photos of the monitor or screenshots of error messages, no partial pastes or reformatted quotes of the file: just the (broken) SVG file itself (unedited).
brynn wrote: I was thinking since XML is actually the image in text form, that you could copy the XML from Notepad, and paste it into Inkscape's XML Editor.
No, you cannot do that (only the content of individual attributes can be pasted like that).

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:21 am

~suv, would the Notepad file be ok? Or is there another way for Terry to provide SVG file? Because as you've read, it apparently can't be uploaded anywhere. Possibly via email, I guess?

PS - the photo of the monitor was my fault for not explaining what a screenshot is

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby ~suv » Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:42 am

brynn wrote:would the Notepad file be ok?
Please help me out here, what exactly is a "Notepad file"? AFAIR from the days I worked on Windows myself (NT 4.0), Notepad is a plain-text editor and does not use a (proprietary) file format. If you propose this, what do you actually want to achieve? Hoping that others could provide steps how to add the missing closing tags without having any idea about the actual content? Or simply using Notepad to change the file ending from .svg to .txt by resaving it as text file?

For others to be able to attempt to save what is left of the original work, it is best to have access to the unmodified SVG file itself (zipping it and uploading the ZIP archive to one of the file sharing sites mentioned earlier should be possible, even if the SVG file itself is corrupted and not viewable in SVG viewers (be it Inkscape or a web browser)).

Depending on the file size, one might also consider using one of the pastebins [1] on the web: open the SVG file in Notepad, copy all, paste into the text field of the web site. The drawback here is that copy&paste might introduce encoding changes in the file - that's why IMHO uploading the file itself would be better. Also, many pastebin site have size restrictions with regard to the length of the pasted text.

[1] e.g. http://pastebin.com/, http://pastie.org/, additional sites in Wikipedia's Comparison of pastebins.

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby TMC » Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:10 am

I do thank you all for the help, I sent the file to myself via email and it will send.
But it wont open, at least not for me. The only way I can get anything out of it is to open it in word pad or note pad programs then it's just a bunch of letters and numbers ?
I will send it to any of you that want to give it a try?
Last edited by TMC on Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:25 am

Please help me out here, what exactly is a "Notepad file"?

By "Notepad file", I mean opening the SVG file using Notepad. All I know is that something is apparently wrong with the XML code. The XML can be seen by opening the file using Notepad, so I thought that the error could be seen there, fixed there, and saved as SVG. (Because I do know that you can write html in Notepad, save as html, and have a webpage if you open it with a browser.) Perhaps that's not the case. But I did say several times that I know very little about this kind of thing. And I think you know that I'm not a programmer.

Also, I'm not sure that the problem is missing closing tags. I think that was the solution for someone else who posted (the who suggested usng Firefox).

I did also say that I suspected Terry would have better luck putting the file on a file sharing site like MediaFire, but I don't know if they actually tried it. I have the impression that he/she is quite frustrated. But I suspect they'll have the file ready via file-sharing asap.

I'm not familiar with a pastebin, but I appreciate the info you provided, and will try to learn more about it.

So at least now, I think Terry has all the info needed to provide the file for examination by someone like you, who knows about XML.

Thank you for helping :D

PS - Terry, you posted while I was typing. No need to email it, and you'll want to remove your email address from the message (spam). Go to a file-sharing site like MediaFire, and it sounds like it will upload, whether it's corrupted or not.

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Re: I cant open a file ? possibly corrupted, how to fix?

Postby TMC » Sun Nov 27, 2011 7:09 am

I dot know if this works or not? I just did what I was told? lol

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