PDF issue when creatiing logos.

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PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby Beffa » Sun May 16, 2010 12:48 am

I have searched but did not come over any helping.
I use Inkscape to make logos. I have my page set to 800x600 and I draw outside it. When I want to save I copy over my finished logo to the page and save as pdf.
When I open the pdf I see only my logo, but when I open it in Inkscape all the other stuff aorund my page is there also, this pdf file is for a client and its prob
not so nice with all the extra stuff in there (often other logos for the same client). I dont create a new inkscape file for every logo with the same client, but maybe I should?
What do I do here? Why do I see only the logos I wanted to save in adobe and in Inkscape I see my whole "desktop" drawings? The client is sending the pdf to a printer company.
Help would be great! Thanks!

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Re: PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby prkos » Sun May 16, 2010 4:47 am

I don't know why this happens, I'll ask and see.

Why not export the logos into PNG?
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Re: PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby Beffa » Sun May 16, 2010 5:44 am

The client need the logo in PDF or EPS format for print on t-shirts etc. Maybe OT But They also need it in CMYK I discovered, how is Inkscape dealing with CMYK export in 0.47? Is it possible to get a CMYK color space yet? I am fairly new to Inkscape, but more so making proper logos. What about the CMYK that i can choose in the fill and stroke box, what can I do with it?
I need to have a pdf or eps with CMYK. Thanks!

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Re: PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby brynn » Sun May 16, 2010 10:10 am

Isn't it because any image only consists of the content inside the page border?
It sounds like you are expecting the entire file to be converted, and maybe it should be, I don't know. Is it possible that you have the finished image that's inside the page border, perhaps on a different layer, and the "outside" stuff maybe is locked? Maybe the conversion ignores locked objects and/or layers?

prkos is certainly more knowledgeable than me in this area. But just wanted to throw out a couple of thoughts :D

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Re: PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby ~suv » Sun May 16, 2010 10:18 am

Beffa wrote:When I open the pdf I see only my logo, but when I open it in Inkscape all the other stuff aorund my page is there also (…)

The lengthy discussion in bug #168627 in Inkscape: “RFE: 'export selection' to vector formats (PDF, eps,...)” offered me a basic understanding about bounding/crop/media… boxes and export to or import of PDF in Inkscape.

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Re: PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby prkos » Sun May 16, 2010 10:46 am

Unfortunately Inkscape can't export to CMYK yet. You can try exporting your page into a 300dpi PNG, then use GIMP with Separate plugin to convert the PNG into CMYK PDF.

Another Option is to use Scribus.
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Re: PDF issue when creatiing logos.

Postby Beffa » Sun May 16, 2010 7:12 pm

Thanks guys! I was about to try GIMP but I didnt know what to to with the Separate plugin, I got alot of files where do I put them?
So I tried Scribus, but I didnt work 100% with colors, nothing major. And I did not get a CMYK option when I go in an change from SVG color, I can choose RGB and CMGS, what is this? Well I choose the last since i thought it would be closest I then saved it as PDF with that printer outout option. When I open it in Adobe Illustrator it says CMYK, so have I managed to get it right?
And I dont know why this is but for some text which I have for example italic on, Scribus cant pick it up and the text shows as standard.

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