separating clipping from parent image

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separating clipping from parent image

Postby unofornaio » Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:06 pm

Hi all I have searched and searched for this solution but did not find it. Perhaps my terminology is incorrect.
I have an logo IMAGE that I have cut apart (clipped) outlined with bezier tool-select- clip-set. The clip worked well but some how Im still connected to the parent image. I cant see it and it does not show up when I select the clipped portion BUT. When I select the clipped image and "trace Bitmap" the pop up box shows not the clipped image but the whole original image. Is there a way to solve this? What did I do wrong?

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Re: separating clipping from parent image

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:07 pm

So you wanted to use clipping to limit the area of a raster image which you want to trace? If I followed your description correctly, then it's not possible to do what you want.

But you could use a raster editor to crop the image, before you import into Inkscape. That would limit the amount of tracing that's needed. I don't think a raster editor can crop anything but a square or rectangular area. But after you trace the image in Inkscape, you can use vector tools to get rid of unwanted parts.

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Re: separating clipping from parent image

Postby unofornaio » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:50 am

Thank you for your reply. I'm not sure we are on the same page but maybe? I wish I knew how to post pic it would be much more easy. Ok so imagine a hand drawing with 2 oranges on the bottom and an apple on top of them. What I did was outline and clip the apple from the oranges- select the 2 parts and clip. I then had just an image of an apple. Next I wanted to turn that into a vector (term?) so I can manipulate it how ever I want. Color, adjust nodes and so on. So I highlighted the apple-path-trace bitmap and when the view box opened rather than just show the cropped apple it showed the original drawing of the apple on top of the oranges. about 26 years a go I used a combination of a hand drawn image I did some cutting and pasting one of the first apple comp and a photo copier to put this orig logo together. I am in the process of giving it a re fresh and wanted to keep some of the original elements.
I solved this problem last night by making a bitmap copy FIRST then using the trace bitmap function. It separated the 2 images. I would really like to post a before and after on here for some help but not sure how to do that just yet. Again thank you for your reply and I hope you still comment on this issue even though I kinda got what I needed. The image is very intricate and the trace is OK but not what I really want.
Thank you

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Re: separating clipping from parent image

Postby Moini » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:54 am

What you did was the best solution. You can change the resolution of the bitmap copy (make it have more pixels, so more detail), in the preferences at Edit > Preferences > Bitmaps: Create.

A clip is ignored by the Trace bitmap functionality. The term you were looking for is 'vectorizing'.
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Re: separating clipping from parent image

Postby brynn » Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:50 pm

You can attach images to your message, but you have to use the full editor, and not Quick Reply. After you open the full editor, look below the Submit button for a tab "Attachments".

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