TIFF source file (color art)
SVG file with the source file embedded (this is the file I actually do the work on)
Exported PNG
Final, lettered TIFF
Since I can't export directly to TIFF, I use PNG so that every step of the process is lossless, then convert to TIFF with another program.
My major issue, though, is that I'll soon be doing this sort of thing for print work, and for that I'll need to provide CMYK TIFF files. There's nothing stopping me from buying Illustrator and using it, but I learned to letter in Inkscape, and I'd rather not have to relearn everything I know if I can help it.
So, the question: How do I get a TIFF with CMYK colorimetrics somewhere out of this workflow? The TIFFs I work from are CMYK, but I don't actually have any means of saving a CMYK TIFF, as far as I can tell. I have tried to convert the final, RGB file to CMYK using GIMP with the installed Separate+ plugin, but I seem to have run into some compatbility issues there, as the only Separate+ compilation I can find only works with 32-bit Windows, and I'm running a 64-bit system.
Um... help?